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Sunday, November 02, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Want a Rain Tax in Wicomico County? – Vote Democra...":

Here is a thought

County Executive
Bob Culver

County Council
Laura Mitchell
Ernie Davis
Josh Hastings
John Hall

*Laura Mitchell is elected President
*Josh Hastings is elected Vice President
*Dysfunctional Council
*Jim Ireton and Jake Day begin to control the County Council
*Wicomico County Council is the laughing stock of the State
*Wicomico County Council is the laughing stock of the Nation.

County Executive
Rick Pollitt

County Council
Laura Mitchell
Earnie Davis
Josh Hastings
John Hall

Any Comments?
* Laura Mitchell is elected President
* Josh Hastings is elected Vice President
* Rain Tax passed
* Revenue Cap lifted
* The worst Tier Map approved
* Increased taxes
* Sheriff's Office budget cut
* Crime increases
* States Attorney budget cut
* Crime increases
* Sheriff's Office cuts deputies
* Crime increases
* School Resource Officers cut
* Wicomico Middle School gangs increase
* Gang Bangers bring illegal guns to school.
* Your child is a victim of gang violence
* Bennett Middle School gangs increase
* Gang Bangers bring illegal guns to school
* Your child is a victim gang violence
* Your child is a victim of a shooting

Laura Mitchell has always the problem with the Salisbury City Council, not Debbie Campbell. Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are joined at the hip. Josh Hastings was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer for the City Council. Josh Hastings worked hard to get Jim Ireton Re-elected Mayor of Salisbury. Josh Hastings worked hard on Jake Day's campaign to get him elected.

Bob Culver is a good conservative Republican. Laura Mitchell is a very liberal Democrat. Ernie Davis is a Democrat. Josh Hastings is a Left Wing liberal Tree Hugging Democrat of the worst kind. John Hall is the RINO and he is married to a Liberal Democrat and she is the boss. She will do whatever Jim Ireton tells her to do. John Hall will do whatever Ms. Carolyn tells him to do.

They are the liberal majority that will own Wicomico County and all it's citizens. The Revenue Cap will be lifted and taxes will be sky high. The rest of the businesses will be ran out of down. Buildings will be dilapidated everywhere. Foreclosures will increase. Homeless people will be everywhere.

The City of Salisbury is in second place for the worst crime rate in the state. Salisbury is in Wicomico County. Crime will increase everywhere. The few sheriff's deputies left will be stretched thin working their butts off. It will take minutes to hours before a deputy is available to answer your emergency. Buildings and homes will be vacant and dilapidated. Windows smashed out and Heroin addicts will be dying daily. Heron syringes will be everywhere. Drive by shootings will occur in every neighborhood. The murder rate will skyrocket.

Wicomico County and Salisbury will be just like Detroit in less that 5 years. By the next election it will be to late.

Matt Holloway has already been caught last weekend at an expensive fund raiser for the Democrat Rick Pollitt. This proves that Matt Holloway is another RINO. Marc Kilmer is a Shoe in. The best option is to make sure John Cannon and Larry Dodd is elected. Work for their campaigns, contribute to their campaigns, but most of all get out and vote. Get your family and friends to vote for John Cannon and Larry Dodd.

GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTT's and VOTE John Cannon and Larry Dodd.


  1. Excellent and to the point.

  2. My God this is scary.

  3. I had mentioned earlier when the endorsements post was up about seeing Matt with Fake Day.

    If he's raising money for Pollit, did he not support Culver?

    Disappointing - but hardly surprising!

  4. You can't get a better explanation than this. Wake up Wicomico County!!

  5. At least with Laura Mitchell in office, the county will be equipped to better deal with heroin addicts.

  6. Here's food for thought. City and County employees receive urinalysis....do council members, executives, and the mayor? Last I heard they do not. I'd love for them to get a random one with no notice or head's up. I have a feeling you'd be shocked at the results.

  7. All Republicans, good Democrats and Independents need to get out and vote for John Cannon and Larry Dodd over those two liberal tree huggers. This County will never recover if the liberal majority take over the County Council.

  8. It would be in the best interest of all the voters to vote only Republicans in Wicomico County. Local Democrats are crooks and that is why we have a serious spending problem in Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury.

  9. Cook with the help of the Obama and O'Malley Administrations rigged the city elections like they are going to do the County elections.

  10. Josh Hastings is telling everyone that he is a Moderate, an Independent, a Conservative Democrat and now he is telling Republicans that he is a Republican. He started off leading them to believe that he is a Republican and then finally he started telling them what he thought they wanted to hear. If you are a Republican, Independent, Libertarian or a Democrat do not listen to these lies. This person is aligned with the worst of the worst Democrats. One he worked for was State Senator Joan Conway and she is one of the worst Democrats in the General Assembly. She supports gun control, land confiscation and same sex marriage. How can someone work for this woman if you don't have the same views as she does?? Laura Mitchell is also aligned with these same people and we already know her views. If you don't want the government taking your guns, property and taxes then you need to vote conservative and vote for Republican.
    Vote Republican
    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver
    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

  11. The Daily Litter Box Liner endorsed Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings over the more qualified John Cannon and Larry Dodd. Wicomico County is circling the drain right now and this County will be in the sewer if those two get elect.

  12. I already pay $60 a year flush tax because I paid for and maintain my own septic system. This money is supposed to go towards saving the bay. None of my waste ever sees the bay. My turds are all in Annapolis.

  13. If this election turns out to be reeking of fraud, it will be time to covertly start taking matters into our own hands. It won't be pretty.

  14. I will be first in line to vote on November 4 as I don't agree with early voting - more chances for the corrupt Liberals to change the votes. My vote is as follows -
    Bob Culver, John Cannon, Joe Holloway and Larry Dodd. Wondering about Matt Holloway as he seems somewhat "liberal" to me!

  15. Anonymous said...
    I will be first in line to vote on November 4 as I don't agree with early voting - more chances for the corrupt Liberals to change the votes. My vote is as follows -
    Bob Culver, John Cannon, Joe Holloway and Larry Dodd. Wondering about Matt Holloway as he seems somewhat "liberal" to me!

    October 29, 2014 at 9:33 PM

    If you don't vote for Matt Holloway you will be giving Laura Mitchell a vote. I don't think I want to see Laura Mitchell on the County Council so please vote for Holloway over Mitchell.

  16. No problem 341AM. Would NEVER vote for Laura Mitchell - she is the lowest of the lowest using her EBT Card and paying low rent and has a low life husband and son. Thanks for clarifying Holloway!

  17. This is not only scary it is an extreme possibility. Can you imaging Laura Mitchell as the County Council President and Josh Hastings as the Vice President. They are the Party favorites and that is exactly what is going to happen. You will see the first order of business as the County Council adopts the Tier Map making all Farm land and all rural land in the county off limits for building homes. You will be forced to live in the City of Salisbury in one of the apartments that is being built. These apartments are being built all over Salisbury because that is what O'Malley envisioned for Wicomico County. There will be so many land restrictions and taxes and fees that no one will be able to afford to live in the County. Welcome to the New World Order. Save the Bay!!

  18. This should be moved to the top until election day.

  19. This is a very interesting article and it should be read by everyone. Is there anyway to post this one at the top so more people can read it. I pray that people vote all Republican this election because our County, State and Country need it.


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