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Monday, November 17, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 11-17-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Monthly Mayor’s Roundtable":

I'm not 845, but I'll dang sure give you an explanation!

For many years, people of all municipalities, including Salisbury, Maryland have been assessed a certain portion of their property taxes in order to build and maintain, among other things, City stormwater inlets and piping, catch basins, TAX ditches, dams, holding ponds, curbs, gutters and the like. I mean, think about it; where do you think all that infrastructure came from?

Over the last few years, your Mayor and City Council have failed to budget as required by law the full share of monies paid in by the Taxpayers for the very purpose of building and maintaining the City's stormwater system, and in fact, have written it completely OUT of the current budget. This is why the Mayor's river in downtown Salisbury looks as trashed up as it does. The EPA continues to bring out more stringent requirements to limit the amount of pollution going into the waterways, but since your Mayor and City Council have voted among themselves to basically steal your money that you thought was going toward this and decided to spend instead on their own pet projects like bike lanes and walking route signage, bicycle racks and the like, we, the homeowners and landlords and business owners are left holding the bag of pollution and your "trusty" leaders have decided that we all need another fleecing of our hard earned money.

So now, whether you are a renter or owner, you are being told that there's no money to spend to keep up with the new EPA mandates, and you have to reach into your own pockets and pay more through another "stormwater utility fee", or rain tax.

Meanwhile, please don't forget to pay your regular yearly City property taxes, too.

Do you get it, now? Are you ready to go to the November 24th council meeting and give Jimmy's clan your opinion of the "second reading" of the Rain Tax Ordinance? I am! Whether you rent or own, you ARE ALREADY PAYING THIS TAX through your regular property taxes each year. You're also paying well more for your water bill because your City Fathers decided to buy a $88 million dollar WWTP upgrade with a voided warranty! Now, you're paying for that. And now, they want even more.

You can say no to this robbery, or just roll over and let it happen...


  1. So glad I made the conscious decision when we were enticed to move here to purchase outside of the city limits - because of the piggy-back taxes....it has gotten worse as time goes on.

    I really wish I had used a couple more active brain cells and not bought at all here as the chicken-$4!t organization that brought me here laid off a big bunch of folks (while keeping money in the bank) - and we're unable to sell without taking a big loss.

  2. County leaders have done similar things. They are all out for themselves. They act like the money comes from the good fairy and not the taxpayers. So hopeful that Culver will start to make a dent in this disaster.


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