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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

100 Years Ago: The Blinding Stupidity Of The Trench Warfare Generals

A full century after World War I we still cannot understand how generals sent so many soldiers to be slaughtered. Ten million soldiers died on all sides; millions more were left maimed or shell shocked. Seven million civilians died. 20 million horses died.

The image we have of hapless soldiers being forced to climb out of their sodden trenches and attack across a hellish no-man’s land pock-marked by water-filled shell holes, deep mud, thickets of barbed wire and rotten bodies is quite accurate for the Western Front. Waiting for them were quick-firing guns, heavy artillery, the greatest killer or all – machine guns – and, later, poison or burning gases, and flamethrowers.

How could the generals of that era have been stupid enough to send waves and waves of their soldiers to almost certain death? Trench warfare in the West quickly became siege warfare in which decisive victories became almost impossible.

Only in the East did the brilliant German generals Hindenburg and Max Hoffman achieve a war of movement in which they destroyed two Russian armies attacking East Prussia. Their triumphant battles at Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes were partly based on Hannibal’s battlefield tactics at Cannae in 216 BC.

But on the Western Front, generals on all sides kept sending their men on suicidal bayonet charges across dense wire in the face of interlocking machine gun fire and shrapnel. How could they have been so foolish?

As a former instructor in military history, permit me some thoughts: most of the British, French, Belgian, Russian and many of the Italian generals had learned their profession fighting colonial wars in Africa and Asia against native levies armed only with spears and swords. They were, no surprise, wholly untrained for modern warfare against European soldiers. If the US Army, trained for colonial warfare against lightly armed enemies, ever has to fight China or Russia, it will encounter the same nasty problem.

Next, most of the generals poorly understood the power of massed rifle or artillery fire. There was no excuse for this: the British has always been renowned for their iron discipline and ability to pour massive fire into advancing enemies – a skill that won them the Battle of Waterloo. Fighting Afghans, Berber tribesmen, and Zulu dulled these skills.



  1. It looks like we are going to be bogged down in the middle east for a long time if obama won't our military go in and wipe isis off the face of the earth once and all.

  2. They weren't stupid.

    They were war criminals who worked for the international banking dynasties.

    War is truly a racket

  3. 2:18, it's a religion. Last year they called themselves Al- Quaida. there are waht, 15 or more of these extreme Muslim religions of peace out to kill "Infidels" all day long, and killing them just strengthens the others.

    It's about oil.

    It's about Heroin

    It's about guns & rockets

    It's about MONEY.

    Without those 4 things, we'd not even be paying attention to anything but our own borders.

    So, party on!

  4. Want to stop these "conflicts"? Force EVERY Senator, Representative, and CEO of every arms dealer to send one of their children to the front lines.
    That would end our involvement in these money making operations so fast the sun wouldn't have a chance to set twice.
    It's ALL about the enrichment of politicians and their corporate contributors (and the money made on insider trading). M O N E Y.
    Keep cheering.
    And picture your son with no legs.
    Or picture his coffin being unloaded at Dover.
    Then picture our leaders playing golf and having a grand time with their kids.


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