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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Word/Number Varification

To those of you experiencing word/number verification this is NOT something we are requesting. Blogger is experiencing technical difficulty for the time being. They are simply trying to make sure YOU are not a robot sending in spam comments. 


  1. Can you imagine the comments if this wasn't there! I for one can't read the dam thing, and have to try two or three times. Just saying.....

  2. Who's running that program Joe? It's rediculous! Some of the earlier ones were easy now they've become undecernable. They must want to limit the number of comments against the democrats.

  3. 1:39, yes that is it! limit comments about Democrats. how negative and stupid! and NO, I am not a Democrat! Just someone who has a decent I.Q. and a life!

  4. 4:27's comment seems to disprove all it States. Low self esteem perhaps.


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