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Saturday, October 04, 2014

Woman Spends Month In Jail Because Cops Thought Her Spaghetti-O’s Were Meth

Road side drug testing kits are not enough to convict but are enough to rob a woman weeks out of her life. A routine traffic stop turned into a blunder fest when over eager police went looking for reasons to lock up those pulled over. When the officer found a spoon with a dried red substance, they took action and did a test. It came back positive and the cuffs were promptly put on Ashley Huff.

Georgia is hanging its head in shame as the 23 year old proclaimed her innocence. She had told the cop that it was Spaghetti O sauce. She got to cool her heels for two weeks in jail before qualifying for a program that got her out. She did not perform one of the mandatory steps and found herself once again behind bars. Now this stint lasted all the way from the beginning of August until September 18th.



  1. I don't know about meth but spaghettis are like crack...after the first spoonful you just keep wanting more.....

    1. Says nobody older than five!
      That stuffs nasty. I refuse to feed it to my kids. But they do like the crap.

  2. That crap is disgusting, I can understand the mistake.


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