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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Who Was Right And Who Was Wrong?



  1. Mmmm , Beverly hillbillies in this age. Total distraction to other motorist and also not secured enough.

  2. Cop was polite and explained everything. Citizen was rude, cursed and didn't want the cop to talk. Nothing wrong here, the guy will present the evidence (video) and probably win on the traffic offense, but judge will probably address the manner in which he addressed the officer. Video can go both ways.

  3. Cop is wrong. And, flicking ashes is littering????? Way to build the public trust.

  4. The police wonder why they get disrespected and disliked?
    Ashes? REALLY?
    "Litter" is something one should be able to pick up and put in a trash can. Ashes? Ever pick up some "ashes" on the side of the road? I can see the deputy telling the prisoners "Hey!!! You missed those ashes, boy!"
    If the judge "addresses" the manner in which the citizen spoke to the officer, he should commend the officer for knowing that citizens have a CONSTITUTIONAL right (read that again, you Geastapo dwarfs) to speak in any way they want, ESPECIALLY to a government official, as long as they don't threaten them or incite violence. Calling them a stupid short little muffin man is PERFECTLY legal. If you can't stand getting insulted or disrespected, tough break -- it comes with the territory. Because you carry a gun and a badge, doesn't mean citizens have to kiss your ace. Or like you. Or respect you. Or be afraid of you. Unless you're black, of course. Then you SHOULD be afraid, but thats another story.
    And telling a grown man that "ashes" out the window is "littering" certainly helps a cop garner respect.
    Ashes....I can't believe he really said that. What next? Some dust blew out your window when you rolled it down???


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