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Friday, October 24, 2014

Who Really Owns Your Home: Detroit Preparing to Foreclose on 142,000 Residents By 2016

Have you ever considered the legitimacy of property taxes? It’s one thing for the government to take a cut from your income, but there’s something deeply offensive about the idea of property taxes. It’s the idea that you have to pay your local government, year after year for the rest of your life, for something you’ve already paid in full. It’s complete nonsense.

It calls into question whether you even own your property in the first place. After all, do you really own it if you have to keep paying for it? It seems to closely resemble the medieval system of serfdom. The peasants didn’t own the land they worked on. They had to pay a yearly fee for the right to work that land, which went towards the nobles and knights. It was protection money. So at least they had the benefit of protection from the warrior class in those societies. Can you say the same of your local police?

I digress. In reality, you don’t “own” your house or the land it sits on, even if it’s been paid in full. That’s another benefit those peasants have on us. They didn’t have to pay some bank for decades, only to have their land taken from them when they didn’t pay their “yearly fee”. They were never under the illusion that the land belonged to them.

I doubt the people of Detroit have any illusions either. They’re facing an unimaginable crises that threatens to put tens of thousands of residents on the streets. The city government is about to show us once and for all, who really owns the land.


1 comment:

  1. Article is correct. Hence the meaning of "real estate" as opposed to "property".

    If you "own" real estate" you also have no "rights" to the minerals beneath the dwelling.

    The Queen of England still owns all of the land in America.

    The BAR means the lawyers and judges work for the queen.

    The fringe on the US Flag means it is a military court.

    Statutory Law is not constitutional. However, the US Constitution has been null and void for decades (century?)


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