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Thursday, October 30, 2014

What Maryland Thinks About The Voting Machine Mistake: Take The Poll

The Baltimore Sun

WHAT MARYLAND THINKS: What do you think is behind the reported voting machine mistakes of Republican votes being switched to Democrats? VOTE HERE: http://bsun.md/1wgYfPM


  1. Joe, You really have to ask.

  2. I was a bit shocked at the results so far. As liberal as Maryland and the readers of Baltimore Sun are I expect a different result.

  3. 85% think it's fraud.

    I agree.

  4. What I think is that it isn't a 'mistake' at all. I think it's a contrived effort by Maryland's entire Democratic contingency 'calibrated' to steal something that they cannot earn. I think it is the most heinous despicable act of desperation and belligerence that has been conceived and orchestrated against the citizens of Maryland since George IV shelled Fort McHenry. I think that it will also affect my personal associations too, in the past, I could accept that someone was a Democrat and live with it however, now I'll forever into the future view them as a part of a pseudo criminal element for supporting such activities, wittingly or unwittingly. So, there you have it. You Democrats you have gone too far this time and ultimately have begun to alienate yourselves unto a lawless degenerate cult.

  5. 87+% say conspiracy when I voted on it. I'm a Dem, and I clicked that one, too.

    This is B.S.!

    I can't be a Republican while the ultra-right is in control, but I can't stand stand being a Democrat in this day and age either.

    I stand with everyone outraged about this, regardless of party. This just should not be happening!

    Yes, I am supporting many Republicans this time around. Carl Anderton is a breath of fresh air. I don't agree with Bob Culver on many things, but he has impressed me with his humble and straightforward ways. Far superior to the arrogance of Pollitt. Mathias, nice guy, but McDermott is 100 times more informed.

  6. 87.4% say it is conspiracy, but the AG will do nothing about it because he is a Democrat.


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