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Sunday, October 26, 2014

WBOC Still Needs Language Help

This morning Cleo Green from WBOC said in a piece, "Janasium". 

For the rest of us that would be, Gymnasium. 


  1. I can't stand watching them any more. They have car commercials every 3 minutes and I don't want someone screaming at me first thing in the morning. Speaking of commercials, shame on Jim Mathias for using his deceased wife and his children in commercials. He lost our votes just for stooping so low.

  2. Isn't that word in the Ebonics dictionary?

  3. Only you are perfect Joe.

  4. I will say it's been years since I have seen WBOC/WMDT or even read the Daily times. If I want NEWS I just go to SBYNEWS, it's free, it's up to date and it's "NEWS"

  5. 7:49, Hardly. However, I am not paid to be a professional television reporter and this is not Chicago.

  6. Hi there!

    Imagine the wind blowing in your face and your scripts flying in the air. It's possible that one's speech could be slurred. I am sorry that my "mistake" offended you.

    Thank you taking the extra effort to find a picture of me that was taken three years ago.

    Three years ago, I interviewed you and I thought you were a very nice man.

    I was obviously incorrect.

    May God Bless You!

    Cleo Greene

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Cleo, Clearly you can't handle CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. I never said you were a bad person or that I disliked you.

    So you know, you did a second interview in a later broadcast and used the same word.

    May God Bless yuz as well.

  9. I like Cleo Greene, she has a great personality. In my opinion, she should sit at the desk in the morning. However, I think Joe mentioned this because there are a lot of grammatical errors on air at WBOC - not just Cleo.

  10. Just an FYI for you Cleo Green- If you Google your name and go to Google images the picture posted happens to be the 3rd picture in the first row.
    It took literally 3 seconds to find the picture. This is why your news is substandard-the reporters think anything over 3 seconds is considered "extra effort."

  11. Ho Hum-Another faux "Christian."
    Using God's name after being judgmental.
    God doesn't like that, Cleo!

  12. If ebonics had been approved as an official language then none of this would be of impoetance.

  13. If you don't like a southern drawl, go back to NY you yankee

  14. 9:35 AM u fool , youse talking bout Joe using God's name and being being judgemental - u can't do that on here.

    JoeAlbero said...
    Cleo, Clearly you can't handle CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM....
    May God Bless yuz as well.
    October 23, 2014 at 8:22 AM

  15. "Southern drawl"? No, that's downright butchering of the English Language!

  16. Joe was being sarcastic 10:09. Joe while I'm sure believes in God doesn't pretend to be holier than thou.

  17. As bad as Dan Satterfield!!! Last winter he called the polar vortex the polar express.

  18. I did not see the piece in question. As a former on-air radio personality, it is easy to make mistakes during live elements. Many of us have made a few mispronunciations into a live mic. Live mics do raise the adrenalin level and I would suspect live TV even more so.

  19. Well then 10:57 that's what she should have said and said that only. Instead she choose to get into a contest by her not only "holier than thou" attitude but by her sarcasm.
    All can play at her game and one thing is for certain-She's not going to win.
    It's a lesson she needs to learn. She needs us more than we need her and she need not ever forget it.

  20. Who's any worse than Jeremy on WMDT. He needs to take a remedial reading class before they put him on the air. Sad!!!


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