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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Watch This Woman Get Catcalled 108 Times In One Day

Last August, Shoshana B. Roberts went for a walk in Manhattan. What she heard over the course the day is not remotely unusual: "Smile!" "Damn!" "What's up, beautiful?"

Women are typically so inured to catcalling that sometimes it barely even registers. But, watching this video, filmed by Rob Bliss' hidden camera, you'll be overwhelmed by the sample of 108 instances of catcalling that happened to Roberts over the course of 10 hours. Bliss set out to direct this PSA months ago, in cooperation with Hollaback!, an organization working to end street harassment — because that's what catcalling is. You can call it an irritant or a harmless fact of city life, but street harassment is nothing but an unfortunately tolerated form of misogyny we experience every day.

Along with the dozens of "Damn, girls," there are two exceptionally creepy encounters when men walk alongside the silent Roberts for several minutes at a time, demanding her attention or simply staring at her. The catcalls were not limited to a particular neighborhood, race, or age. The only thing her harassers had in common was their script: "Hey, sexy. What, you don't wanna talk to me?"



  1. Sounds like someone is not secure in who they are and they want to blame everyone else for their problems.

  2. Now days girls and ladies wear skin tight clothes that resemble a naked body.
    Men , like myself are attracted to this and go into an immediate rut(deer wanting sex). Some people have to comment , I normally won't do that .
    Speaking of the rut , now is the time till the end of Nov. Joe.
    Watch the roads for deer.

  3. She needs to tase them if they are following her.


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