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Friday, October 03, 2014

Wallops, Resort Working To Grow Tourism Partnership

OCEAN CITY — With another significant launch at NASA’s nearby Wallops Island facility scheduled for later this month, Ocean City business leaders this week learned of a growing partnership to take advantage of the potential opportunities.

NASA and its private-sector partners have conducted several major launches from Wallops in recent years, and depending on a variety of factors including the scope and scale of the rockets, weather conditions and the time of day, viewers throughout the mid-Atlantic region including Ocean City have been treated to a rarely seen spectacle. The potential economic impact of viewing major rocket launches has not been lost on the local business community.

The Ocean City Economic Development Committee (EDC) on Wednesday got a briefing on the upcoming launch activity at Wallops, including the launch of an Antares rocket carrying needed supplies to the International Space Station planned for no later than Oct. 20. Thousands of space enthusiasts will likely travel to the Lower Shore to view the launch, a tourism segment not lost on Ocean City business leaders and Wallops officials.



  1. Now this is the type of pro-business and economic uplift that ALL of our local gov't leaders should be getting behind and promoting.

  2. 12:37,your exactly right but most government leaders in Maryland are too busy partying with environmentalists and dreaming up new laws.

  3. Just no more secret launches at Wallops.We paid for it and we should be able to watch the launch.We should also be apprised of specifically WHAT is being launched.And if any of us just happen to look up and see an unpublicized launch that does not count.Nothing sent up from Wallops warrants top secret protocol.Trust me,I know.


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