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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Valerie Jarrett’s name surfaces in IRS scandal

GOP senator: 'I think this was White House-driven'

(Daily Caller)
Republican Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts said Friday that he thinks the IRS targeting scandal was driven by Valerie Jarrett’s office in the White House, according to information that he saw that Democrats tried to “whitewash.”

Roberts told talk radio host Hugh Hewitt that he participated in a Senate Finance Committee investigation into the IRS scandal but “the effort was made by the majority, by the Democrats in the Congress, to simply end that investigation,” which he called a “whitewash.”

1 comment:

  1. Makes sense to me....because in Obama's and her minds...she's not part of his administration and this would still give him the "I didn't know" excuse. Either though she pulls all the strings in everything that happens.


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