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Thursday, October 09, 2014

US suicide rate hits 25-year high according to new government report

Americans are living longer than ever before according to a new government report which has found that U.S. life expectancy continues to inch up while death rates also fell.

Rates dropped or held steady for all the leading causes of death with the exception of suicide, which reached its highest point in 25 years.

The number of suicides has been increasing since 2000 and 'it's really hard to say why,' said Robert Anderson, who oversees the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention branch that issued the report on Wednesday.



  1. Thinning out the weak is never a bad thing.

  2. it is not that hard to figure out why! The economy sucks - wall street sucks - the HEALTH CARE sucks - the real estate market sucks! Cost of living s going higher and higher each day, but the income is not! Depression kicks in and people see it as the only way out! Thank you to our Government!

  3. 2:48 = ignorant jerk

    People have lost their homes, their savings, their health and their HOPE!

    Your insensitive comment is sickening.


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