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Thursday, October 16, 2014

US Steps Up Domestic Response To Ebola Crisis

The federal government is ramping up its response to the Ebola crisis after a second Dallas nurse became ill and it was disclosed that she had been cleared to fly a day before her diagnosis.

While Ebola patients are not considered contagious until they have symptoms and only two persons have been known to contract the disease in the U.S., the revelations Wednesday raised new alarms about whether hospitals and the public health system are equipped to handle the deadly disease.

Federal health officials were being called to testify before a congressional committee Thursday to explain where things went wrong.



  1. A huge distraction is opening up to make us all forget about Ebola.
    Pentagon papers were released with information relating to the weapons of mass destruction found and disposed of in Iraq. Yes Iraq.
    Military and others involved in the disposal are coming out of the woodwork.
    They had previously signed confidentiality agreements denying any of the weapons were found.
    The reason for the denial was that President George W. Bush, cared more about the troops safety and the safety of the American people then his legacy and didn't want the islamists knowing they had been found fearing they would go and look for them.
    The weapons were found in at least 2 locations, chemical in nature, were destroyed buried and cement pour over.
    Well now it appears as though the insurgents have found the destroyed weapons so I guess it was a matter of time, before public found out so Pentagon released papers.
    Hasn't been too much on this yet in the news because it is been overshadowed by Ebola and of course the MSM would never do anything to make President Bush look good.
    It's moment for Obola as he is going to say President Bush should have disposed of them better.

  2. They already have done it by buying all the FEMA Coffins they need in the last few years .


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