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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Univ. Of Md. First East Coast Medical Center To Offer Proton Therapy

Cancer tumors doctors couldn’t touch may soon become fair game.

Alex DeMetrick reports the University of Maryland will be the first East Coast medical center to offer cutting edge proton therapy.

Inside the newest building at the University of Maryland Medical Center, technicians are working on some of the newest cancer technology–a proton therapy center.

Like a small scale linear accelerator, it’s still a city block long and designed to go after cancer tumors doctors can’t normally treat.



  1. Luke Skywalker used a proton torpedo to blow up the Death Star.......think about it.

  2. If you read the article, it's not the first on the East Coast, but ONE of the first. The comments point out some others. I've also heard of one in Florida.


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