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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Union Workers Protest Obama's EPA Regs: 'Don’t Even Mention His Name'

(CNSNews.com) - The United Mine Workers of America held a rally Tuesday in Washington, D.C., to protest Environmental Protection Agency regulations that they claim would destroy the nation’s coal industry and coal-related jobs while doing nothing to address climate change.

On Tuesday, current and retired workers convened at Freedom Plaza, then marched to EPA offices to protest EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan, part of President Obama’s larger climate-change agenda, which aims to cut carbon pollution by imposing state-by-state emissions standards and fines for failure to meet those standards.

CNSNews.com asked protesters, “If you could tell President Obama anything about these regulations today, what would you say?”

“Don’t even mention his name,” one protester said. “He’s the one stirring up a lot of the problems we’re having now with these coal-fired plants.”

“I wish [Obama] could walk a day in our shoes, let him come down to the mines and talk to us but I wish he could get down on our level and see what it’s doing to the coal industry, cause it’s sure – he and the EPA industry are sure ruining it,” said another protester.



  1. Union money helped get him elected- its your own fault youre getting screwedq

  2. You elected a communist socialist muslim , now suffer in silence.

  3. You voted for satan , now what do you say?
    call Al Sharpton , he's on a roll , Oh , that's right , the only time your black is when your working. They don't work.

  4. You're still mining it and selling it. It's just being shipped overseas and burned in other countries who don't have to put up with EPA rules, therefore polluting more AND killing American jobs. Oh, and it raises our energy bills in the process!

    Happy you voted for this bastion now? You own this one, Unions!


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