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Sunday, October 05, 2014

Today's Survey Question 10-3-14

The Daily Times is suing the Ocean City Police Department because they refused to release the name of a MINOR. 

Do you believe the Press should be given names of minors upon demand?


  1. only if charged as an adult!

  2. The police, as stated in the times article is following the wishes of the family as it should be!

  3. Is it common place for other news outlets to name a minor? If most do not then I think the Daily Times is going to lose. I think they are so desperate now to sell papers that they will stoop to any level. Salisbury News is kicking their a$$. I refuse to pay to view their fee for online. Not to mention that when something happens in this area I go to Joe's site always because he keeps up very informed. Joe is truly the "News Leader" of the Eastern Shore and no one can compete with that!!!

  4. Legally speaking,a precedent must be avoided at all cost,which I'm sure the court is aware of.Heaven forbid the releasing of minors names becomes acceptable and commonplace because of this specific case.

  5. its a waste of time for both and for oc,a waste of thetax payer's money. there is no reason to release the name of the person who drown. they weren't breaking the law, they weren't even a local person whom the community might want to pay respects to. there is no reason at all, especially when the chief of police in fruitland can get arrested and the public can find out no details.

  6. Maybe a new category is in order. Young adult, age twelve to eighteen. Then minors(those under twelve) are hands off. Young adults named for felonies. Adults are fair game.

  7. Following the mayor to gay bars.

    1. Don't follow too close 9:33. If he makes a sudden stop you know where you'll end up and who knows what could be in there!

  8. No what good can it do to know the name.

  9. In this particular instance NO. It is my understanding that the OCPD is keeping the name private because it was the family's wishes.
    I think it is disgusting as well as disturbing that Kilian is taking this action.
    I think he is grandstanding and trying to call attention to himself for whatever reason.
    We are talking a victim here and not someone accused of a crime and he needs to leave well enough alone.

  10. In this case no. From my understanding the minor drowned. At this point why do they want to know the name of the person?

  11. No. With it being a minor and the family requesting it. Leave it at that.

  12. YES!! If these delinquents had to suffer more consequences for their action then maybe they would straighten out. If the don't, then off to jail with them!

  13. Kids are so stupid these days, it's probably already on Facebook.

  14. For whatever reason this individual Kilian hss some kind of over inflated self worth making him think anyone is really interested in adding to this family's grief. This is compounded by a very low level of intelligence because he may win the suit in a court of law, but the court of public opinion is more important when you are selling something including the news.
    He is behaving ridiculously in front of this community, with no sense of how moronic he appears.
    Not to mention the tax payers are the ones who will be paying. I wish to hell he would go back to whatever hole Gannet dragged him out of.

  15. There are laws protecting minors identities...while living! That is a distinctive point. Once they have died in an accidental death, as in this case, the name is a part of the public record, and by law, that information CANNOT be withheld from the public. When the media requests that information, they must receive it. Whether the media opts to publish the name is their choice. The media cannot be forced to publish the name, but has the right to publish the name. If the OCPD thinks they can deny the publishing of a victim's name, or even that of an arrested person, on the basis of "protecting the family", then there are a lot of prominent families that you will never know the trouble they get into. The daily times is correct, on principle, to demand that the OCPD follow the law in this matter.

  16. anonymous 12:46, aka, DT representative, With all due respect, you're SICK.

    To think your readers would demand such information is warped.

    I put this question up to show you that the majority completely disagree with you. You just keep digging that hole deeper.

  17. For God's Sake! What purpose does it serve to publish the name of this victim of a swimming accident. I have exchanged e-mail with a DT reporter requesting the name. I think he is sick or being led on by a boss who is sick. Either way, what is the end purpose???

  18. Not true 12:48. Please get your facts straight before posting nonsense. The courts have taken this on before and it's a case by case basis. This may be an instance where the survivors privacy outweighs any good for the public to know.
    I happened to be able to find out the young man's name in a matter of a few minutes using what little info was given. He was not anyone that would ring a bell to anyone, like the child of a politician or a local celebrity.
    Odd was there was no obit for him. Could this very well be the instance of some family member to keep out of the public eye the vicinity of where they reside?
    This could very well be someone who is 'underground' because of abuse issues or some other reason they wish to remain anon.
    Regardless I have nothing but complete disdain for the ill bred low class editor of what amounts to a second rate source of news for this area.
    His family should pull him back to wherever he came from because he's nothing but an embarrassment to them in his lack of empathy and put in plain English he's a no good SOB-because only a B. could have raised such an unfeeling person.

  19. They are showing off 1:58.
    They think they are being clever and are going to make themselves famous by adding to the family's misery.
    You reap what you sow, and when this comes back to the DT's threefold it will be well deserved.

  20. "Once they have died in an accidental death, as in this case, the name is a part of the public record, and by law, that information CANNOT be withheld from the public"

    You are incorrect 12:46.

    Court precedents have shown that the privacy concerns of surviving family members also weigh on the decision to release information via FOIA of a decedent. When these cases go to court, judges have ruled against FOIA requests before.

  21. Daily Times is a sick joke!

    They won't investigate the garbage that goes on in Salisbury and Wicomico County, they won't do fair and unbiased articles, but they will harass a family mourning their dead child!!!

    We would be better off with that newspaper.


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