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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today's Survey Question 10-24-14

With campaign signs just about everywhere, 
do signs influence you when you go to vote?


  1. NO. They look trashy.

  2. Not generally - but they do tell me of the character of the owner where the signs are placed!

  3. not at all. i already know who i'm voting for. those signs are an eyesore. but i'm sure there are mindless twits that the signs DO influence.

  4. Yes They Do!
    Signs don't lie.

  5. Sometimes I know who I will not be voting for but need reinforcement as to who the opponent is. Signs help there.

  6. Not hardly. Liars like Jim Mathias cause me to vote to give some honorable candidate a chance. McDermott seems to be a channel with whom people like me can use to communicate my concerns to the Democratic Liberal snake pit in Annapolis.
    Bob Aswell

  7. I believe that there should be a law that says that campaign signs should be removed by the morning of the election. That way, voters would be reminded on the way to the polls as to which candidates actually care about the law. See a sign? Don't vote for that person.

  8. If there seems go be some Culver signs missing, after i voted I pulled some up to take with me for my neighborhood. Sorry.

  9. Signs are only needed for people who need to be told who to vote for.

  10. No, that is a silly question. A sign tells you nothing.

  11. Signs only tell me who is running. They don't tell me anything about that person. Except in the case of Laura Mitchell who must have been high when she used two colors that make the sign unreadable. If that is an indication(and I think it is) of how she handles her other responsibilities then it speaks volumes. And in that case I would say that yes a bad sign tells me something.


  13. It makes me vote for another Cana- date that didn't bother to be bought by big business.

  14. No. They should be considered litter, and fines to the offenders.

  15. No, after seeing our state and county ruined by liberal democrats, I decided months ago who I would be voting for.

  16. Just the opposite. The more signs, the less chance of a vote from me, especially when they're in rental house and apartment yards where residents don't have a say in what signs can be there.

  17. No,but they've given me a unique way of covering every square inch of my man cave walls.I was able to do it with no 2 alike.

  18. No they do not influence me but as stated above they do tell a story about the property owners themselves.
    When I see Republican signs it means to me, good people who want the best for their children and want to leave their children a better world, when they leave it.
    When I see democrat signs, I know those people have a "want more" personality and will sell their souls even to the detriment of their own children to achieve what ever it is they want.
    A good example is a local house and the yard is full of democrat candidate signs.
    Turns out the man of the home is a convicted swindler who was involved in an "American Greed" type of scam.
    Swindlers, con artists and tricksters are the faces of the democrat party.

  19. They aren't a tipping point, but signs raise name recognition, especially for folks running for the first time. People like Mathias or Conway don't or shouldn't need them since they've been in office so long.

  20. Joe,

    Democrats keep cutting McDermott and Anderton signs in half on Outten Rd.

  21. I totally agree that the signs are an eyesore. I truly wish they would be forbidden.

  22. my neighbors are EXTREME liberals, so any signs in their yards will tell me who NOT to vote for...

  23. The Democrats had a SuperSaturday about 2 weeks ago when they went out stealing and trashing Republican signs. I caught them doing it. Signs are expensive and it is against the law to tamper with them.

  24. I give the signs no consideration when deciding who to vote for.


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