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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

These Are The 10 Worst States to Retire In

Maryland and Vermont rank among the worst places to retire on Bankrate's list for a variety of reasons.

Both have relatively high costs of living and high state and local taxes. Maryland's crime rate also is worse than the national average, and Vermont's weather could be tough on a lot of retirees. Temperatures have been an average of 43.1 degrees in Vermont from 1981 to 2010, making it one of the coldest states in the country.

Of course, those drawbacks may not be enough to dissuade lovers of Maryland crab cakes or Vermont's rolling blue-green hills.



  1. Surprised to see Delaware made the list of worst states to retire

  2. I'll be headed to a red state.

  3. West Virginia, we're on our way.

  4. Yeah 1:53, just hankering to be a hillbilly.


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