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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Three Scariest Things That Could Happen if Democrats Keep the Senate

With Halloween creeping up on us, we must turn our attention to spooky stuff. Though it looks like Republicans are in good shape to take the Senate, in the horrific possibility that Democrats prevail, here are the three scariest scenarios:

Former Attorney General Eric Holder could become a Supreme Court Justice

That may be why he resigned his AG post. With five of the nine current justices 75 or over, Obama may have two or three SCOTUS appointees approved by a Democrat majority by term’s end. Only a simple Senate majority is required for confirmation and the House doesn’t have a voice.

And what are Eric Holder’s qualifications? Hard to say; he has distinguished himself in so many ways. Immediately after taking his vow to uphold the nation’s laws, he halted the prosecution of menacing New Black Panthers standing at the doors of a polling place with billy clubs, violating the Voting Rights Act by intimidating voters as well as election judges.


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