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Thursday, October 09, 2014

The problem isn’t the world spinning too fast, Mr President, it’s you flip-flopping too often

How Obama’s broken promises have put America in danger

If you’re President of the United States, and therefore unofficial Leader of the Free World, then your most important job every day is to make everyone feel calm and secure even as chaos reigns.

POTUS is supposed to be a global figurehead for stability.

That’s why when George W Bush was told about the second World Trade Center attack while sitting in a classroom full of kids, he didn’t jump up and race out of the room. He remained sitting, determined not to exude fear or panic in front of the cameras. It’s what Presidents have to do.

That’s also why Martin Sheen’s character President Jed Bartlet in the West Wing was so popular – he took everything, even being shot, in his easy, confident, reassuring stride.

Yet today, Barack Obama gave a speech to fellow Democrats in New York where he said the following words: ‘There’s a sense possibly that the world is spinning so fast and nobody is able to control it.’


1 comment:

  1. He just means the memory buffer in his teleprompter is lagging. The poor thing is due for an overhaul after 5 plus years of scrolling his daily spew.


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