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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The mutant worm that could revolutionise dieting

Creature that never puts on weight could to lead to 'magic pill' that lets people eat all they want - but not get fat

At firs glance, it looks like any other worm.

But researchers say that the tiny creature, known as Caenorhabditis elegans, could hold to key to beating obesity.

Researchers say a genetic mutation that means it never gets fat takes them one step closer to a pill that lets you eat all of the ice cream, cookies, and cakes that you want – without gaining any weight.



  1. Lazy, fat idiots will believe anything. Exercise and proper eating will do wonders with almost anything that ails you. "But, it's work", "Oh, my thyroid". Lazy excuses.

  2. Cholesterol is more important then a fat butt.

  3. Eating anything you want without getting fat doesn't stop the diseases that are contributed to by excess weight.

  4. So maybe this is a stupid idea. I mean, I'm not a scientist, dietician, doctor, or anything like that.

    But how about they stop putting so much high fructose corn syrup and sugar in our food? It's well above the level where things are "sweet enough," and are just empty calories.

  5. It's been around forever. It's called a tapeworm.

  6. October 7, 2014 at 3:12 PM
    I was going to say the same thing. People used to swallow tapeworms to not gain weight when eating.


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