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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Most 'Distrusted' News Sources In America

You know there's a problem with the media when Al-Jazeera is trusted more than NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. As Pew research's Journalism Project shows in the following table, the study attempted to measure not just whether people had heard of a variety of news sources, but which ones they really trusted when it came time to get straight info about politics and governments.

From "most distrusted" to least...


  1. The reason our media put Barry and his fools in office was to get their ratings up. They new that there would be one screw up after another hoping it would bolster their ratings. Well, the screw ups have occurred but their plan backfired.

  2. Hmmmmmm.....no where is the New York TImes mentioned. I think I know where this garbage came from.

  3. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and Glen Beck right up at the top. There is some faith in humanity after all.

  4. Idiots..fox most distrusted? Yeh right what left wing nut org put this out

  5. 4:02

    Your ignorance and blatant disregard for facts is mind boggling. Really. It is truly mind boggling.

  6. Ah oops didnt read it properly.I jumped the gun on libtards..now that i have calmed down...4:29 sorry i offended you.. if you are a libtard however..i recind my apology

  7. 4:02 You mean thinking people?


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