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Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Great Father’s Ebola Solution

You knew it was coming, right? No, not the further spread of Ebola. That’ll happen later. What’s happened is the outbreak of another infectious disease: The creation of more government and more government corruption. When the federal government’s incompetence and stupidity is revealed to the public, the Great Father then rolls out his usual solution. More government and more corruption. I am speaking of Great Father Obama’s response to EbolaGate, which is to appoint, you guessed it, an “Ebola Czar”. Oh, I feel so much better now! Now, you would think that Obama would find a skilled medical professional with an extensive background in infectious diseases. You would think that perhaps he found a university professor who has studied the Ebola virus for years, perhaps even written books and papers on the subject. Or perhaps he found a virologist or even a evolutionary biologist who might be able to discover patterns in the virus and warn if it is mutating into an airborne strain. Indeed, you might think he has found such a person, of which there are many in the United States. And you would be wrong. This is the federal government we’re talking about here, remember? No, Obama has not made any medically qualified person the “Ebola Czar”. Instead, what we got was a guy with obvious political connections to the Obama Administration and the Democrats. He has no medical or infectious disease experience whatsoever. In fact, anyone who went through the Nuclear, Biological, Chemical warfare training during U.S. Army basic training during the Cold War knows quite a bit more about handling infectious diseases than does this “Ebola Czar”. Who is this man? His name is Ron Klain and we shall review his rather qualifying credentials below.



  1. Obamas way of killing off millions of Americans. Then replacing them with illegal immigrants probably muslims. Then with the ebola epidemic he can declare martial law. Then he will make himself America's dictator and there will be declared no more elections. Bam then Obama will be our U.S. dictator President permanently, forever.

  2. 5:57 you have lost what mind you had


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