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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Temples to Cronyism?

The NFL is running one of its own games on the public, and as one of the most subsidized non-profit organizations in American history, the NFL excels at tackling the American taxpayer. It should be of no surprise that with its religious-like following, the NFL receives the same tax-exempt status as a church, exempted under the IRS 501 (c) 6 code from paying federal taxes. The legislation puts the NFL as a non-profit trade association which it has been under since 1942.

But over the past twenty years, 101 new sports facilities have opened in the United States — a 90-percent replacement rate — and lately there has been a rising tendency for renovation costs to skyrocket into the hundreds of millions, which, according to Harvard University urban planning professor Judith Grant Long, the taxpayer foots on average 70 percent of the bill, with often not a penny coming out of the pockets of the team or its owners. The rest of the funding comes from tax-exempt municipal bonds supported under the G4 stadium loan program, which provides loans in return for revenue generated from ticket sales and premium seating.

As is the case with “too big to fail” financial institutions, the NFL is given politically-favored status, and protected by a trench of antitrust exemptions. But unlike the overpaid (read: taxpayer-subsidized) CEOs of Goldman Sachs and Chase Bank, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell earns twice as much as them, thanks to an NFL flush with taxpayer cash. Goodell earned more than $44 million in 2013, and in the past five years he has made over $105 million.



  1. "Goodell earned more than $44 million in 2013, and in the past five years he has made over $105 million."
    Salaries like this are obscene! No one, and I mean NO ONE is worth that kind of salary, period. I don't care who you are, what you are or what you are doing.

  2. 9:39 Are you Obama?

    Explain how he's not worth it? The man is the Commissioner of one of the largest PRIVATE entertainment sports on the planet. He is under a microscope every second, and deals with more BS in 10 minutes than you will in 10 years at your job.

    Jealous haters are abundant.

  3. 9:11
    I believe you missed the article?

    The arenas are paid for by the public. The sport is not private at all.

    Try reading it.

  4. The government gives them tax free status, and in exchange the NFL promotes their propaganda. Think about all the crazy messaging they put out that has NOTHING to do with football. Would any sane businessperson waste their energy on anything but putting the absolute best football team on the field?


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