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Friday, October 31, 2014

Teacher who called students the 'N-word' and 'slaves' when they objected to term African-American is fired after outrage

A substitute teacher at a Chicago school addressed a group of 13-year-olds using the N-word and referring to them as 'slaves'.

Mea Thompson and three of her friends say the teacher at first referred to them as 'African-American', which the girls objected to as they are not of African heritage.

The female teacher then used the N-word, which the group claim she then repeated throughout the class, referring to them as 'slaves'.



  1. I am white but many of my black friends are offended by the term "african american" They were born here as were their parents and it implies they are less american.

    I was told using the term black was the least offensive for them all.

  2. sure but white priviledge is a full blown chapter

  3. American African

    America comes first....

  4. Someone gets into trouble again, for speaking their mind, as allowed under our bill of rights. America has changed into a communist country!

  5. 9:54--
    If you think language like this out of a teacher directed towards a class is acceptable, there's something wrong with you. First amendment rights shouldn't be abused nor hidden behind in this way. Some seem to think they can behave however they want & they'll be no repercussions to their actions.

  6. Amen to that 2:03. Free speech does not guarantee you aren't offended but we must as a society teach manners, good will and respect for others.

    We have lost that moral fabric and because of that you get stuff like this.


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