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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Should Rick Pollitt Fire His Public Information Officer?

It’s a simple question that can be readily answered either “yes” or “no.”

If Ms. Lee-Brooks was directed by Pollitt or his $125,000.00 per year assistant (“County Administrator”) to notify the news media of the press conference sponsored by Mr. Pollitt, apparently in his capacity as Anthony Brown’s local campaign manager, and others for the purpose of giving Larry Hogan a public whipping, politically speaking, then she is largely blameless, although she should have known better.

But if that is not the case and Ms. Lee-Brooks sent her e-mail at the request of the Brown campaign without first getting Pollitt’s approval, then he should discharge her – indeed, he should have done so already. The fact that Ms. Lee-Brooks remains on board as Pollitt’s “PIO” speaks volumes.

In either event, the e-mail sent by her, acting in that capacity and using the County’s internet access to do so, violates the County’s ethics law, regardless of whether (as she stated in the e-mail) she “was asked to forward” the announcement of the press conference, which was issued initially by a member of Brown’s campaign staff named Jerid Kurtz.

The more important question is whether Ms. Lee-Brooks was asked by her superiors, which include Pollitt, to do what she did. As mentioned above, there is reason to believe that’s the case.


  1. I believe she should be relieved because I believe the email violated parts of the county charter. As a PIO it is imperative that you know the boundaries and that you know when to question your superiors and when to tell them no.
    It's not just about communicating. It's about knowing what is legal and ethical, in the publics best interest, etc. to communicate as well.
    Any dingbat can fire off emails and read press releases verbatim. A real PIO will scrutinize and question the documents and obtain legal opinion if need be.

  2. Don't know why all these counties need PIO--cant the county personnel speak for themselves? the one here in Worcester got a great big secret raise a couple years ago when it was said no one gets raises yet they did several reclassifications to the PIO and Human resources benefit person and others secretly!!!

  3. Nothing is going to happen to anyone involved in this misuse of county resources beyond a slap on the wrist and being told not to do it again File all the complaints you want they will be buried by the "good 'ole boy " network which runs everything in this county as well as Salisbury!

  4. Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury does not need a PIO. The Mayor and the County Executive are the PIO's.

    Proof that Democrats love to spend OPM. Other Peoples Money.

    Vote Republican

  5. Pollitt is responsible for the violation that occurred on his watch.

  6. Shades of Fineran pimping for Pollitt.

  7. YES, without question...but something tells me because Pollitt told her to do it...she's safe...its hard to fire someone for something YOU told them to do!

  8. Sher should be disciplined for violating the law - as well as the clown that told her to!

  9. She makes more then the Sheriff of the county. Wow Rick you have lost your freaking mind. I guess they hired the security guy on the first floor because they could not find a real cop that was willing to protect them. This is insanity at work people. Why would they not have a city or county cop that is armed. Wow


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