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Friday, October 24, 2014

Shocking moment bumbling cops leave Ebola doctor's apartment and dump their protective gloves and masks in a sidewalk trash can

With the news that the first confirmed case of Ebola has hit New York City, all attention now turns to how equipped the densely populated metropolis is to deal with the deadly virus - and if the city really is as prepared as they claimed to be in a press conference Thursday evening.

Perhaps throwing things into doubt are photos taken outside the Harlem apartment of Dr. Craig Spencer, who was admitted to the hospital with a 103 degree fever earlier today. They show police officers tossing their gloves, masks and the caution tape used to block off access to his apartment in a public trash can.

Is that really the best place to be putting all of that?



  1. Cop #1: "What should we do with all this crap?"
    Cop #2: "I guess we can put it back in the squad car and use it again later."
    Cop #1: "No... We have plenty of new stuff in the car. Just throw it out on the street."

  2. New York... enough said. Just wait until it hits Maryland, and the clown show we have "leading us"(into the dumpster)...

  3. That's hilarious.Spread the cheer!

  4. If a hospital or Dr's ofc disposed of bio-hazardous waste like that they'd be cited and heavily fined, and rightfully so. However, this is LE who feel they are above the law. And, the sad thing about that is America's courts go along with it.

  5. LOL "above the law"??? Give me a break, this has nothing to do with it.

  6. More evidence that the whole story is a psyop.


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