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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Secret Service Missed Man With Gun In Elevator With Obama

A man with a gun that the Secret Service did not know about rode in an elevator with President Obama during his visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Sept. 16.

The previously undisclosed breach, confirmed by two sources familiar with the case, raises new questions about the agency's ability to protect the president.

The incident, which took place three days before an intruder jumped a fence and sprinted inside the White House, involved a failure in Secret Service advance work to prevent an armed man from coming into close proximity with Obama while he was visiting the CDC to receive a briefing about the Ebola threat.



  1. We almost had PRESIDENT BIDEN!

    That might be worse.......and then Jimmy Carter would be the third worst president in history!

  2. What do you expect,most of the White House is nothing but a bunch of old candy ass hippie liberals thinking if we don't hurt anybody they certainly won't hurt us.All laid back and shit.Nows it's wore off on the security staff. Can you imagine what a laugh the other countries have had over the last 6 yrs?


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