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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

School board slams Michelle O lunch rules: ‘Her children go to private school’

NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. – More schools are pointing out the emperor has no clothes, or in this case, isn’t eating the “rabbit food” being given to everyone else.
Michelle Obama shock
New York’s North Tonawanda Board of Education is the latest to lash out at the new school lunch rules championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.

“We left thinking, what are we feeding these kids?” school board president Colleen Osborn, said at a recent meeting, according to the Tonawanda News.

“We have students of all different shapes and sizes. Some of these kids have lunch at 10 a.m. and then they’re limited and can’t buy other things. It’s a broken system.”

The paper reports the board is concerned students may be going hungry.

After taking comments from parents, “Someone in the audience made a good point.”



  1. POSFLOTUS needs to get her kids in to public schools and her sorry @$$ on ObeBlamaCareLess before she spouts another word.

    The entire government's "Follow the rules while we don't have to" premise is why we collectively opened a can of whoop-ass on the King of England....

    They're not paying attention to much history - they're doing the same things all over again!

  2. no 2nd lunch? that's crap! i at 2 school lunched just about every day, growing boy and all!

  3. Even if the Feds upped what they serve at schools, and made it a truly nutritional meal, would our BOE go with it? If it came out of their current budget, could they stopped stuffing their faces on our dime, to allow for better food for the children? Or would it take ANOTHER shot of money, so they continue their porcine ways, while the children are left in the gutter?

  4. RICK POLLITT obviously would have a heart attack if he went on the Obama diet.

  5. My Son is 6' tall and weighs a little over 140 lbs. The school lunch is just not enough for him. He begged me to start buying bread and lunchmeat so he could pack his own lunch. We are stuck in the middle economically where we cannot afford good things to eat but are too "rich" (meaning we work enough to barely pay for our needs and have no disposable income), so we do not get hand outs. Maybe when we middle class people work ourselves to death and eat the only crap we can afford the government can take our social security and give it to lazy people. They can kill us off so we cannot vote (unless your a liberal then you can be dead and still vote).

  6. Hey,just take them over to Brew River for lunch! You take everybody else there!

  7. If you want to know how much school lunch is think of a slice of large pizza ,an apple and a pint of milk. That's all. That's the lunch for a high schooler like for the many people who are at least 180lbs and 6 ft and plays sports after school.


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