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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Salisbury News Delivers Investigative Reporting On HOW YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE SPENT: Part 27

In the past six months this SBYNews has presented food expenditures from the County Executive’s Office and the Wicomico County BOE. No doubt, many agree that these two government departments are out of control when it comes to spending taxpayers’ dollars. This post will expose again the spending habits of the Wicomico County Executive’s Office.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if when you went to Ocean City, you could whip out the County credit card and pay for your ice cream cone? Or, how about this morning on the way to work - you could just stop by Wawa or Starbucks and do the same. Let’s say you wanted to stop after work, you could invite your friends out for a nice dinner or at lunch say, “come on guys eat up! I’ve got the County credit card.” Oh,but hold on, things are tight in Wicomico County. But not to worry, we’ll just raise taxes again.

If you were making over $80,000 per year with good health insurance benefits, retirement package, sick leave, etc. and then you get to add in perks like a car to drive & fuel to put in it plus a free cell phone…. Would you be willing to buy your own coffee and lunch each day? Well, take a look at this list that is comprised of some, BUT NOT ALL, of the food purchases for a period of 22 months and see if you feel perhaps someone is taking advantage of a you by liberally spending your tax dollars to feed themselves. Let’s hear from you - Shouldn’t Rick Pollitt’s office be put on a diet? Please keep your comments civil.

July 2012
Uno’s Chicago Grill $20.53
Wawa $7.76
Starbucks $6.34
Starbucks $6.42
Viva Espresso $8.17
RT 12 Pizza $26.56
Goin Nuts Café $41.98
Back Street Grill $42.44
Goin Nuts Café $38.10
Market Street Inn $32.70

Aug. 2012
Dumpster’s Dairyland $4.75
Market Street Inn $104.50
Evolution Craft Brewing $33.03
Brew River $44.47
Market Street Inn $101.04

Sept. 2012
Market Street Inn $104.50
Market Street Inn $94.33
Market Street Inn $38.86
Wawa $9.26
Back Street Grill $31.87

Oct 2012
Wawa $5.94
Wawa $5.64
Wawa $3.12
Starbucks $7.85
McDonald’s $8.86
Mojo’s $35.70
Red Door Subs $23.32

Nov. 2012
Back Street Grill $12.52
Dairy Queen $10-89
Wawa $11.98
Market Street $80.30
Brew River $42.48

Dec. 2012
Wawa $5.65
Wawa $6.45
Rt 12 Pizza $12.18
Wawa $10.95
Lombardi’s $55.33
Wawa $6.69
Arby’s $8.40
Market Street Inn $50.50
Market Street Inn $75.72

Jan. 2013
Adam’s the Place for Ribs $11.53
Market Street Inn $48.13
Goin’ Nuts Café $71.89

Feb. 2013
Goin’ Nuts Café $50.12
McDonalds $5.71
Goin’ Nuts Café $62.69
Lombardi’s $73.00
Brew River $50.21
Lombardi’s $28.59

March 2013
Lombardi’s $30.56
SoBo’s Wine Bistro $58.76
Market Street Inn $23.10
Market Street Inn $20.90
Golden Coral $28.24
Mojo’s $22.10
Goin’ Nuts Café $76.50
McDonalds $5.82
Evolution Craft Brewing $32.14
Red Door Sub Shop $17.76
Adams the Place for Ribs $12.00

April 2013
Pat’s Pizzeria $19.56
Market Street In $76.50
Specific Gravity $15.17
Sobo’s Wine Bistro $167.92
Red Door Sub Shop $17.42
Market Street Inn $65.50
Panera Bread $18.46
Goin’ Nuts Café $38.46

May 2013
7-11 $4.91
Market Street Inn $85.15
Pat’s Pizzeria $53.12
Lombardi’s $35.12
Red Door Sub Shop $54.47
Lombardi’s $42.16
Rt 50 Diner $68.09

July 2013
Wawa $5.74
McDonald’s $3.07
Arby’s $6.97
Wawa $5.41
Main Roots Coffee $12.74
Mojo’s $26.25
Lombardi’s $51.96
Vini’s LaRoma $30.13
Lombardi’s $84.30
Red Door Sub Shop $61.86
Vini’s LaRoma $24.56
Market Street Inn $104.50
Main Roots Coffee $11.71
Market Street Inn $56.65

August 2013
Food Lion $12.70
Food Lion $10.58
Wawa $7.21
Market Street Inn $107.90
Market Street Inn $33.39
Main Roots Coffee $5.15
Red Door Sub Shop $70.21
Red Door sub Shop $61.25
Arby’s $10.04
Arby’s $18.91
Bay Country Meals $5.88
Roadie Joe’s $31.47
Market Street Inn $89.65
Goin’ Nuts Café $41.85
Market Street Inn $33.64
McDonald’s $5.69
Arby’s $8.04
Taylor’s BarBQ $45.99

Sept. 2013
Food Lion $6.36
Food Lion $10.58
Food Lion $65.61
Wawa $5.74
Wawa $4.28
Wawa $5.74
McDonald’s $7.07
Wawa $6.57
Lone Star Steakhouse $82.08
Market Street Inn $59.40
Market Street Inn $23.85
Mojo’s $30.00
Wawa $4.68
Market Street Inn $92.40
Market Street inn $25.85
Market Street Inn $40.65
Sobo’s $58.75
Main Roots Coffee $7.16
Market Street Inn $30.55
Back Street Grill $29.34

Oct. 2013
Wawa $6.90
Wawa $6.04
Wawa $3.17
Dunkin donuts $3.70
Market Street Inn $33.75
Market Street Inn $47.50
Starbucks $9.65
Back Street Grill $18.82
Mojo’s $27.50
Lombardi’s $65.92
Sobo’s Wine Bistro $154.26

Nov. 2013
Wawa $8.26
Dunkin Donuts $2.11
Wawa $3.07
Wawa $7.18
Denny’s $26.21
Wawa $3.16
Sobo’s $32.07
Red Door Sub Shop $34.44
Lombardi’s $63.96
Cactus Taverna $141.89
Lombardi’s $23.47

Dec 2013
Wawa $9.23
McDonald’s $7.93
Wawa $10.81
Red Door Sub Shop $25.51
Adams the Place for Ribs $59.00
Dunkin Donuts $5.37
Lombard’s $35.46

Jan. 2014
McDonalds $4.64
Dunkin Donuts $3.70
Arby’s $16.70
Wawa $2.54
Starbucks $4.62
Market Street Inn $48.00
Pat’s Pizzeria $50.92
Market Street Inn $45.70
Starbucks $4.72

Feb 2014
Wawa $3.38
Wawa $2.12
Dunkin Donuts $5.18
Subway $7.72
Subway $11.41
Wawa $6.12
Wawa $3.16
Market Street Inn $56.00
Sobo’s Wine Bistro $37.77
Shelly’s Bar & Billards $23.19

March 2014
Wawa $3.16
Arby’s 10.52
McDonald’s $5.80
Wawa $5.25
Wawa $3.16
Sobo’s Wine Bistro $76.66
Market Street Inn $36.20

April 2014
Wawa $4.43
Wawa $5.17
The High Spot $62.70
Lombardi’s $26.57
Lombardi’s $28.48
Lombardi’s $44.94
The Irish Penny Pub $31.14
Market Street Inn $28.00

May 2014
Goin’ Nuts Café $42.24
Lombardi’s $21.48
Wawa $4.68
Wawa $5.59
Lombardi’s $38.46
Market Street Inn $61,65
Starbucks $4.72


  1. Plus he has a county car and drives to all these places on gas we pay for. From what I understand, Bob Culver will lead by example and decline a take home car. THAT is doing what is respectful and right.

  2. HAS THE CREDIT CARDS BEEN RESCINDED YET? Since Ricky reads this post maybe he will respond, but don't hold your breath. If he does answer I may vote for him.

  3. I've been told there are around 250 "purchase" cards spread among the 13 departments. Who has these cards? Why? Who monitors them? This is a prime example of government out of control and a sense of entitlement by those currently in office. TIME TO VOTE RICK OUT.

  4. Will my neighbors be smart enough to vote out pollitt-mathias-conway??

    Put up or shut up Wicomico county. Put up or shut up!

  5. This is unbelievable. I expect there to be charges for working dinners or even lunch meetings when someone's being met with other than employees but the charges at wawa, Starbucks, Arbys, etc is nothing more than a card eating off of the taxpayers for their breakfast or lunch.

  6. I just pray that when culvert gets in he doesn't punish the line employees for what the top so called leadership has done. The working class employee gets dumped on at the expense of the upper level management. Also hopefully he takes those few large raises that were handed out away from the sheriff, etc.

  7. Rick's world is imploding. Who should he fight first - the firemen, the FOP, the Sheriff, the other fed up taxpayers - he has ticked everyone off. Wayne has done him no favors. He is a bully and has destroyed Rick Pollitt in this County. Let's move on to someone who won't be an empty suit and who won't hand the County reins over to employees while he drives around looking for food. SMH

  8. Do you have the total of these without me having to add each on up?

  9. Maybe Rick has a food addiction. There are people who suffer from that. Maybe he needs help.

  10. enough! cut the cards for everyone and vote for ALL republicans.

  11. Every bit of this is theft, nothing short of it. This has been going on for years now and is no different than withdrawing from the account, writing checks or dipping into petty cash...all for personal use...its theft! I cannot believe for one moment there is anything that says they can stuff theyre faces from sun up to sun down each and every work day like an expense account. Whats even more baffling is why has NO ONE placed charges against these thieves?!? Are there no good decent people left in this county? No LEO"s to do the right thing? Surely the SA wont do squat...he's shown his true colors... ....all while good men do NOTHING!

  12. joe these amounts are definitely bad but would be even worse seeing a running total of the amounts spent as the year goes along. taxpayers may not get excited about a few hundred but once they see the bill is in the ten's of thousands maybe then change will be demanded!

  13. 10:00, Perhaps you are right. Let's just keep in mind that NO OTHER local media has delivered this factual and documented information. WHY, because they are ALL Liberal outlets trying to COVER UP just how damning it is on their party.

    Look at the FOP contract as well. Has ANYONE even attempted to cover that story, aside from SBYNews?

    I will consider totaling the figures before the election.

  14. If Rick gets voted out does that mean Wayne doesn't have a job?

  15. Thank you Joe..I met him (Wayne) recently and he's extremely arrogant and rude!! I don't know Bob Culver that well but I can't see the two of them even coming close to working together...I think Wayne would be very difficult to work with...

  16. @9:24 These charges keep him from being an 'empty suit'. Empty brain maybe but he fills out the suit pretty adequately I think!

    My idea...just have Ricky give me his ATM Card and PIN #, I'll return the favor to the taxpayers by doing the same thing he's done!

  17. 10:21, I am not trying to defend Wayne but let me just say this.

    Wayne is NOT a politician. He is a proven businessman who is doing what he is TOLD.

    Rick wants Wayne to head the County in Rick's direction.

    When Bob is elected, obviously that direction will change and quite frankly if Wayne remains in his position I personally am confident he is capable of delivering Bob's platform.

    HOWEVER, it is not up to me, it's up to Bob, so we'll see what happens once Bob is elected.

    It's a shame Wayne gave off that impression to you. One should NEVER forget where they came from.

  18. Bob won't get eleceted. The voting machines are rigged.

  19. Joe, I've known Wayne for years and this job has changed him from the man I knew. He is quick tempered and tends to be a bully. Maybe it is his frustration working for Rick. Whatever it is, it isn't good. Many people are mentioning the change in him, so it shows a lot. He may be the smartest one in the room most of the time, but a little humility and finesse would work a lot better than being a red-faced bully. Sad.

  20. Can you post a reminder about Bob's fundraiser tomorrow? We need to support him so we can get rid of Pollitt. I'm sure the Dems are going to spend money trying to save Pollitt's lame butt. Thanks.

  21. High blood pressure will take care of this problem. Look at his face and neck. Eat up big boy!

  22. I am baffeled by the Pollitt/Straussburg thing. Does anyone know the truth.

  23. See how red his face and neck are? High blood pressure will take care of this problem. Eat-up big boy! If you can live with the money you steal I can easily
    Live without it.

  24. Exactly. what are the rules governing his use of the credit cared for such expenditures?? Would be really nice to know before making any comment!

  25. Joe... yes, he can do the job, when he's not hammered. As we've seen in the past, that's not often.

  26. Yes, with the county employees salaries and benefits, I think they can afford to buy their own meals like everyone else has to do.

  27. Ok so here is your breakdown from what Joe has posted on just this article! This may WAKE YOU UP SOME:

    2012 $1278.08
    2013 $4050.16
    2014 $888.59

    for a HUGE TOTAL of $6216.83!

    Are you pissed off yet?? Can this FAT A** not pay for his own food and drinks? Make your own COFFEE at home, pack your lunch or plan to pack your bags! This is insane!!!!!

  28. You should be ashamed of yourself for criticizing the firemen when this wild spending is going on. At least they pay for their food purchases. They have to stay together as a crew but Pollitt's folks can take their car. This is a mess like Rah Sharma never left.

  29. How did these "Cards" come into
    effect & who is responsible for
    letting that happen????????

  30. It looks like we are feeding that Fat Ass!

    Can't wait to see the bills from Busch Gardens and Williamsburg. I wonder if he took the County car down there?

  31. Let's keep these comments civil and look at the facts. The post said SOME OF BUT NOT ALL. I went to the county website and there is a lot more food charges in the executive's dept than these but communty promotions has a lot to the civic center and I was told that these were for food also.Rec
    & Parks also dines out alot as does the sherriff's dept.

  32. Tricky Ricky is a waste. Free ride, free food. Destroying the county I grew up in.

  33. 12:18 Wayne probably has found out Rick is dumber than a clam. Job probably isn't what he thought it was. He has the responsibility without real authority as that lies in Rick - not a pleasant position to be in. Wayne was always THE executive, now he is not.

  34. Market Street Inn is pulling In the dough. With all those charges they don't need another customer to survive.

  35. Speaking of Recs and Parks and the Civic Center. One might take a peek at Gary Mackes spending too! He's not too fat but take a look at his employees! Whoa Baby!

  36. I plan on voting for all Republicans this election, however I think Pollitt, Conway and Mathias will be reelected by the employees and families of the Liberal bastions of SU, BOE, PRMC and state and Local Government. I really hope I am wrong!

  37. You guys might as well start figuring out how you want to explain how Politt won AGAIN....oh wait its all rigged LOL you are funny. Credit Card is a perk for doing the job like it or not.

  38. Hmmm. Curious. Seems the only place he hasn't been is Cellar Door.

  39. Joe- let's organize a peaceful protest and make our voices heard.

  40. The comment about the Sheriff's Office is b.s. Joe posted Mike's card usage it was nothing. When any county employee is out of the county on county bisiness they get a meal voucher. All counties do this. If you want to work for the county apply they have openings all the time lol The B.O.E. that is another animal. Thanks Joe for posting this

  41. I would not ever feel right taking advantage of the tax payers in this way. I was brought up differently and this is a reflection on the upbringings of these people. Their parents were no good and the behavior is generational.
    This is the epitome of White Trash. Everyone needs to read the book "When Did White Trash Become the New Normal." It was written right around these people.

  42. Joe are you getting the County press releases that Tamara is cranking out today? Rick clearly using his office as his campaign, but the stuff is questionable....Tar and chip is not a "win-win" as portrayed. Beauchamp is a problem. His girlfriend gets contracts from County and her best friend was offered Wayne's job. See all the backroom deals going on here? Disgusting...ask Beauchamp why he drives a county car all over the Eastern Shore as if it is his personal vehicle...in fact, I've heard he doesn't have his own vehicle.

  43. Stand by - big FOP meeting tonight. Should be interesting.

  44. Can't fault the Sheriff for spending money. How much has he saved the County by buying vehicles with seized drug money? You don't seem him loading up at WaWa, McDonald's and all of Ricky's other favorite DAILY spots.

  45. 4:47 - never heard of that book, but boy is the title true. I hold Rick and his minions responsible for making White Trash the New Normal in Wicomico County. Think about where we were 8 years ago and where we are now. Disgraceful.

  46. 4:55
    Not sure about all the places you mentioned but WaWa gives the police free coffee. They take advantage of that every chance they get.

  47. Not a lot of health eating going on. Doesn't he have a fitness council?

  48. The democrats are responsible for making White Trash the new normal. They've dumbed down the education system by telling chanting "everyone DESERVES an education." They've created an anything goes nation by political correctness and refusing to ever hold anyone responsible for their OWN actions. The whole while the White Trash politicians are stealing from the tax payers and in their minds they are entitled to it because it was bred into them but parents who should never have been parents because they were horrible at it. This is why I think conservatives need to lay off the abortion issue. Democrats, liberals and sponges make use of the procedure more than any other group. The last thing the country needs are those people having more children. They just do not make good parents and children deserve better.

  49. I would like to hear an explanation from these people as to why they think the taxpayers should pay for their coffee. The fact that they feel we "owe" them this right or they are "entitled" somehow speaks volumes as to their lack of character and integrity. This "leading by example" has resulted in so much abuse by other employees. Rick Pollitt - I challenge you to explain why something as basic and inexpensive as coffee is charged to the taxpayers. Can you man up and answer this taxpayer?

  50. He was at Lucky Star last week for lunch. I saw him as I was walking out
    Wonder who is footing that bill.

  51. 5:25 - Yes he has some sort of fitness council. He likes to form study groups, work groups, commissions, committees and councils that waste time and do nothing except make him feel important and that he is giving political paybacks. His councils, etc. are a joke.

  52. 5:56 - How dare you challenge the great one! You know that makes him angry. Who do you think you are - the FOP? ROFLMAO - what a spoiled, entitled baby he is.

  53. Not taking a stand here either way but seeing white trash mentioned a few times in the comments, it got me wondering just how White Trash is defined. Wikipedia has an interesting bit on the history of the term and current usage.

  54. Wednesday night there is a forum at Wor Wic everyone that is concerned about this stuff should show up and demand answers. Pollitt will be there. If they won't take your questions raise hell.

  55. Are you going to have an FOP meeting update tonight? Hoping they endorse Culver.

  56. 4:12 PM, did you see 6:43 PM comment? Might be a good time for that peaceful prostest.


  58. Has anyone else noticed the Pollitt signs in the county right of way on Allen Road between Allen and Fruitland? Guess the county roads wont pick them up.

  59. No offense to the man but he could really do without all that junk food....

  60. Anonymous said...
    Will my neighbors be smart enough to vote out pollitt-mathias-conway??

    Put up or shut up Wicomico county. Put up or shut up!

    October 13, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    It's up to you to convince them.

  61. Anonymous said...
    Maybe Rick has a food addiction. There are people who suffer from that. Maybe he needs help.

    October 13, 2014 at 9:25 AM


    The legendary Mr. Duvafiles used to call him the 800 lb Gorilla.

  62. Anonymous said...
    You should be ashamed of yourself for criticizing the firemen when this wild spending is going on. At least they pay for their food purchases. They have to stay together as a crew but Pollitt's folks can take their car. This is a mess like Rah Sharma never left.

    October 13, 2014 at 1:10 PM

    STFU!! Rick Hoppes outspent Rick Pollitt by millions. Rick Hoppes wasted money(our hard earned tax dollars) on a $14,000,000 fire house and now a new $5,000 firehouse, 1 million dollar fire boat, 1 million dollar ladder truck. Over 2 million dollars on new chief's SUV's and I could go on and on. Oh and don't forget the 12 unneeded paid firemen.

  63. Anonymous said...
    Speaking of Recs and Parks and the Civic Center. One might take a peek at Gary Mackes spending too! He's not too fat but take a look at his employees! Whoa Baby!

    October 13, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    All wasted money. If I was the County Executive everyone would have to re-apply for their jobs. The Department heads that is.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Hmmm. Curious. Seems the only place he hasn't been is Cellar Door.

    October 13, 2014 at 3:58 PM

    I wonder why? It's just a short walk from the GOB.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Joe are you getting the County press releases that Tamara is cranking out today? Rick clearly using his office as his campaign, but the stuff is questionable....Tar and chip is not a "win-win" as portrayed. Beauchamp is a problem. His girlfriend gets contracts from County and her best friend was offered Wayne's job. See all the backroom deals going on here? Disgusting...ask Beauchamp why he drives a county car all over the Eastern Shore as if it is his personal vehicle...in fact, I've heard he doesn't have his own vehicle.

    October 13, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    Who is Beauchamps girlfriend and who is her best friend that almost got Wayne's job?

  66. Awfully funny there's money for this, but we part-time employees have been told for forever that there's just no money for raises. You eat on the county's dime, after already having a ridiculous wage, yet we can hardly afford to eat! Always seems to be money for everything else except the people that actually do the work! Goodbye, Rick, & take Gary with you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!

  67. Mackes and Beauchamp must go when politt goes!

  68. Eliminate all the fuss with a new referendum and get rid of the County Exec. office completely with all the expenses that goes with it. No credit cards, no vehicles and no BS.

  69. This is how the politicians think in liberal states like MD. That they are entitled to perks. Whatever happened to the mindsets of "public servants". They are to serve the taxpayers, not the other way around. If they don't like that thought then don't work in a public office. Others will gladly take your place.

  70. The only answer is to get rid of the Executive Form of government. It is a flop here. It is just another way for the people downtown to gain/maintain control. Pollitt is a puppet and is not looking out for what is best for the majority. He is not statesman despite the fact he likes to quote Presidents. He is a buffoon.

  71. Another Politt victory means a continued exodus of the tax base. After another 4 years, no one with any education or class will want to live in this county. He and his people have already dumbed us down to a place I barely recognize. His supporters are using fear tactics about Culver when the truth of the matter is that Pollitt is the scary one.

  72. 9:47. I agree with you the this form of govt isn't working here. Part of the problem is the size of the pool of candidates but we can't allow the status quo to continue. Until this can be turned around we have got to support the candidate with a vision for business and attempt to bring Wicomico back. The Beauracrat isn't working for the business and as importantly his party isn't business friendly either. Let's give Culver a chance. We can't take 12 years of what we have.

  73. Rick you better being looking for a job, no more county car, free lunches or stupid taxing. Oh by the way you screwed yourself, with all the jobs that left Wicomico County, you'll have to live on welfare but you democrats like welfare.

  74. I really don't think Rick cares if he wins or not.

  75. Perhaps the dates are in error, it seems that these charges are for 2012...and honestly I cannot tell if Rick Pollitt charged them or not.

    When an elected official is on "official business" there should not be a problem,notwithstanding, the dates worry me, the lack of identification as to who made the charges also, however, the illustration is clear, my rules say there is "no free lunch" and certainly not one billed to the taxpayers.

    From the tone of the comments, I sure hope these disgruntled folks vote,or participate in government at some level other than running their mouths.

    The only way to make government work, the only way to make our elected officials work for us is to vote and participate...Democracy is a contact sport


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