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Monday, October 06, 2014

Road Rage: I Don't Think He Expected That


  1. speak softly and carry a big dog.

  2. I'm surprised I don't see a fist fight every day the way some drive, ( or fail to drive I should say ). Some idiot on Rt 12 was tailgating me yesterday. I moved to right when it opened up so he could pass.

    But no, he STILL tailgated me. He finally moves to left to pass me. I move left when right lane is closing, now I am behind him.

    What does he do? He starts hitting his brake. Freaking moron.

    So after he got BOTH of us BELOW the speed limit, he speeds up and leaves me behind.

    He just wanted to be first in line I guess. Sometimes I get so close to just push these idiots down the road.

  3. A flame thrower works nicely too.


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