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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Rise Of The Machines: Vote For Republicans In Chicago Automatically Changed To Democrats

Jim Moynihan, Republican candidate for the Illinois State House, went in Wednesday to vote early, and to vote for himself. But when he touched the screen mark his name, it was his Democratic opponent’s name that registered the vote.

“While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” Moynihan told Illinois Review. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”

Every time he touched the screen for a Republican the machine registered it as a vote for the Democrat. “Clearly, I am concerned that citizens will be unable to vote for the candidate of their choice, especially if they are in a hurry and do not double check their ballot,” Moynihan said.

He notified the election officials and demonstrated the problem for them. He was eventually able to vote for himself and other Republicans.



  1. But . . . . . . .

    It is very very very very important that we all VOTE!

  2. These are the same machines that put this nutcase idiot in the Whitehouse!

  3. Only way democrats will win this year, cheat.

  4. There are Republicans in Chicago? Thought it pretty much like Baltimore, a one party town.


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