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Monday, October 27, 2014

Property Tax Increase

Tax increase
Democratic Comptroller, Peter Franchot, estimates state property tax will be raised 67% to pay for state debt.
We can not afford another 4 years of the liberal
Brown - Mathias - Conway tax and spend policies.
Anthony Brown was responsible for thefailed Maryland Health Exchange that cost Marylanders over $125 million.
Math con
Jim Mathias & Norm Conway have voted to increase State spending by $10 billion and to pay for it they've increased taxes and fees by $9.5 billion in just the last 8 years. They've done this during the worst economic downturn our nation has experienced since the great depression.


  1. Not just property taxes but other taxes and fees will be levied as well. Would you ever think that you would live to see the day where the democrats would tax the rain?
    The only solution they have ever had and continue to have is to raise taxes and implement fees and more taxes.
    That's all they know how to do besides spin it (lie) so it appears they didn't raise taxes.
    I've got their number because no one fools me. Unfortunately I'm smarter than most people and they fall for the BS.

  2. Unfortunately, I'm in the 37 group - didn't get to vote against Jim & Norm! I did vote Republican though!

  3. 12:32
    Not only are they taxing the rain, but the democrats are trying to tax air too. i.e. carbon tax

  4. Lot of people still drink the koolaid.

  5. Kick out the Commies!


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