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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pollitt Using Wicomico County Personnel and Property for Partisan Political Purposes?

On October 17, the County’s public information officer, using her official County internet address, send an announcement by the Anthony Brown campaign that she said she “was asked to forward.” The announcement was for a media event to be held by Brown, Pollitt and Jim Ireton for the purpose of publicly maligning Larry Hogan. The meeting, we understand, was held at the location stated in the announcement – “outside of Bennett Middle School.”

This episode reeks of impropriety: using an employee of the County who is under the supervision of the County Executive, Mr. Pollitt, who happens to be Brown’s campaign chairperson for Wicomico County. Then, there’s the matter of using County property for the Hogan bashing.

If that conduct is not a crime, it ought to be. What say you Matt Maciarello?


  1. Democrats are out of control! This tells you where Ricky would head for another 4 years, tax and spend until the County goes bankrupt. Hogan is trying to save Maryland Brown is just an extension of Obama and destroying Maryland. Ricky needs to go!!!!!

  2. Nothing will come of it even it was illegal use of county resources! You are talking about the 'Good Ole' Boy" network, god forbid if one of their own was to bring charges against them, their career in local politics or government would be over. It would be suicide for the them!

  3. Disgusting example of politics at its worst. The Executive office has the nerve to complain about others. Get your own house in order before you dare complain again. Is this what you think is your "unimpeachable" position oh great one? HYPOCRITE!

  4. Hey county ProSecutors where are THEE.???

  5. From the WicCo Charter-
    § 37-11
    Use of prestige of office.
    A public official may not intentionally use the prestige of his or her office or public position for the private gain of the public official or another.

    The "private gain" could be hard to prove unless getting reelected and/or the private gain of getting Anthony some votes.

  6. Simple. Retire him by voting Culver.

  7. WicCo Charter-
    Section 607
    Prohibition against political activities.

    "The members of the County Council, County Executive and any officers appointed by him shall be prohibited from requesting any county employee subject to the county personnel regulations to make any purchase or contribution or pay any assessment for political purposes; nor shall any officer or employee participate in any political activities or electioneering while in the course of their employment with the county. For purposes of this section "in the course of their employment with the county" shall mean that time for which one is being paid to perform work assigned by or for the benefit of the county."

  8. I do not understand why you keep posting accusations for which no one has ever, stepped up to the plate, demanding an explanation or investigation.

    You cannot suggest shady dealings on a blog and think that any of those named will get back to you with an explanation. Looks like after 27 postings on credit card fraud you would catch on that your reader's comments are no more than hot air and fluff. You vilify local officials, wanting to stir the pot but nobody cares enough to give you a hand.

    There is a saying "If it is to be it is up to me". No one is going to meetings, no one is asking questions, no one is filling out FOIA request concerning the underhandedness you write of on your blog. Since you are so passionate in exposing local officials you should head up a full blow investigation of theses misdeeds, because you readers do not know how or just don't care.

  9. 10:21 thanks, okay council step up to the plate and deal with this. MATT you are a republican and a prosecutor now be one!

  10. Matt has let the county down.in all aspects.

  11. 10:35 I think part of the problem the public in general has esp now in this day an age is a reluctance to get involved because of the publicity. I say in this day and age, because of the internet you lose you privacy in matter such as this.
    The evidence is being plopped right down in front of county officials so it is up to them to step up to the plate and investigate because you know as well as I do, they monitor the blogs and if they don't then they are remiss.

  12. To those of you commenting here and on other posts saying the public will not do anything about all of this, YOU ARE WRONG.

    Formal complaints have been filed with ALL of the proper channels and this will NOT be unnoticed.

    I encourage ALL of you to continue to file complaints as this is a very serious violation.

  13. State officials in several agencies/departments were made aware by multiple people of all the craziness that happened in Wicomico County on Friday. Don't think just because there wasn't an instant response that nothing is happening. Also just because nothing has been made public, don't assume inquiries weren't made to the some of the people involved.

  14. Please put this post at the top all day!

  15. I anxiously await the outcome. Doing and saying you did are two different species.

  16. I think OC's getting ready to get hit with a big one as well. They denied someone to run for council claiming because the state tax assessments say it isn't the person's primary residence, they can't run. This after the person, presented his driver's license, voter registration and voting in several city elections, neighbor's testimony, tax forms and more.
    This logic to use assessments is flawed and shouldn't be considered. When you determine someone's eligibility is should needs to always be consistent to be legal and if a renter decides to run you can't use the assessments as proof of residency.
    Some use to call them the Silly Council. This council majority has taken it a step up to Stupid Council. What's more shocking is that the lawyer OC uses didn't know this.
    Get ready to pay tax payers for more of the Stupid Council's incompetency.

  17. So, where is the ethics board that Pollitt appointed?

  18. I know for a fact attorneys are working on both the The Daily Times allowing Pollitt to request donations through a letter to the editor and Pollitt using his PIO to send the Brown/Ullman notice of the press conference to negatively attack Hogan. But isn't interesting that Pollitt wouldn't allow himself to be filmed with Brown at the press conference. REASON: Pollitt isn't smart but he knew being seen with Brown in Wicomico County would lose him more votes. Taxpayers don't forget Pollitt is chair for Brown in Wicomico. This was just more dirty politics.

  19. Exactly 1:31- the key word is consistency and unless you preclude non property owners from running for an office you cannot use property assessments as a factor in determining eligibility.

  20. Unfortunately 10:35 AM is somewhat correct.

  21. The Daily Litter Box Liner has recently Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings over the more qualified John Cannon and Larry Dodd. Wicomico County is circling the drain right now and this County will be in the sewer if those two get elect.

    All Republicans, good Democrats and Independents need to get out and vote for John Cannon and Larry Dodd over those two liberal tree huggers. This County will never recover if the liberal majority take over the County Council.

    Please get out and vote Republican

    Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

  22. Everyone on here seems to want Bob Culver elected and that is a given. Unfortunately Bob Culver can't do it alone. He needs a conservative majority on that council. If Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings get elected then Bob will have a Liberal/RINO cancel to shoot him down for his budget and legislation. Joe Holloway and Marc Kilmer can not do it alone. We as a County of good citizens need to make sure John Cannon and Larry Dodd are elected to the Council. Get to the Polls for Early Voting October 23 - October 30. The General Election is November 4, 2014

  23. What in the sam hell has happened to simple ethics?
    Our so called leaders are suppose to set examples.
    Is this the direction of a good and ethical government? I don't think so , I'm really pissed off now.

  24. 3:08 if you really want to be pissed off, check out Pollitt's ad in the Rotary Magazine in the DT. He describes himself as having unimpeachable integrity. I've decided he is not only incompetent, he is delusional as well. Also, lack of class by the Rotary to only have ads from Pollitt and Sarbanes in the piece they distributed through the Times. Guess we know who all your members are voting for. More Pollitt kiss- @sses.

  25. I remember watching Fatboy Pollitt on the Forum video for CAR and he was huffing and puffing and so out of breath I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

    Is anyone else sick of him telling everyone in the first sentence that he was Wicomico County's first County Executive. BFD!!

    Please get out and vote Republican.


  26. Do these bad politicians get together after they are elected? Or were they connected prior to elections into their present positions?

    I wander if the group who violated ethics in this way actually believe in the same political concepts? Do they all think the same way or are they pretending?

  27. To 10:35 Poster that said;
    ' so passionate in exposing local officials you should head up a full blow investigation of theses misdeeds, because you readers do not know how or just don't care.'

    Okay - why don't you try and file a FOIA request. The last one on record that The Daily Times filed - they were charged an exorbitant amount - and the administration put out a brick wall.

  28. Please do not vote for Rick Pollitt, Laura Mitchell or Josh Hastings. Politically they are nothing but inexperienced scumbags.

    Vote Republican for real change and hope. Vote Bob Culver, John Cannon and Larry Dodd.

  29. Please put this post at the top today.

  30. Rick you broke the law and may be able to escape the penalty, but your gone on November 4 and your legacy will always be remembered as the worst executive that ever served Wicomico County.


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