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Monday, October 27, 2014


On October 27, 2014, Nicholas Stuetz, age 25, of Salisbury, Maryland, was convicted by a Wicomico County jury of assaulting a Wicomico County Detention Center officer on February 10thof this year. Stuetz was serving the active eighteen (18) month portion of a ten (10) year sentence for conspiring to commit robbery. He was sentenced by the Circuit Court to five (5) years in the Division of Corrections to be served consecutively to any and all other sentences.

The charges against Stuetz arose out of his actions, February 10, 2014, when he was asked to surrender a plastic storage tub from his jail cell. The plastic containers were determined to pose a risk to other inmates because the plastic tubs were being broken into pieces and sharpened into weapons. Stuetz became angry and threw the plastic tub at the officer’s face. The tub struck the officer in the chin and chest area causing injury.

Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commended the Wicomico County Detention Center officers and employees for their hard work in performing a difficult and dangerous job each day. Mr. Maciarello commented: “We cannot tolerate assaults upon corrections officers. If inmates cannot follow the laws of our State and the rules of our detention center, we will advocate that they be sent to the Division of Corrections—this is a policy that aims to keep our local detention center orderly and safe.” Mr. Maciarello also thanked the citizens of Wicomico County who sat on the jury and Safe Streets Prosecutor, Richard J. Brueckner Jr., who prosecuted this case.

For more information or for an interview please call the Office of the State’s Attorney at (410) 548-4880 or go to www.wicomicosao.com.


  1. Does that mean he will spend 5 or 15 years in prison ?

  2. We have drug dealers running the streets and this guys gets 5 years for throwing a plastic tub at an officer. What a joke.

  3. Really...doing this in a school would only get you a parent conference. What a waste of taxpayer money.

  4. He looks happy about it.


  5. Second dude sounds like he got a BIG break getting 18 months, and the young man had an aggressive hissy-fit about his storage bin.

    I don't know first hand, but I expect that when one is caged, one behaves (even more) like an animal. Not knowing the particulars, it sounds like he was being made an example of, and that he didn't lawyer up well- this republican thinks the sentence is excessive in punishment and taxpayer cost.

  6. He will love staff alert when he gets to the big boys.

  7. 5:28-As happy as if he had good sense.

  8. Glad him and those Stephens boys are getting what they deserve--their parents are still completely clueless...

    Another Christmas in the pen!

  9. I guess when you are in there with nothing ... something as little as that meant a lot to him.

  10. That can't be right .
    How would he have had the tub that was taken away ?


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