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Friday, October 17, 2014

Obama's spectacular incompetence turns deadly

President Obama, a short-term college professor and failed community organizer who became a mostly absentee state senator and then an all-but-invisible U.S. senator, has Petered out. Per the Peter Principle, he has risen to his level of incompetence — some would argue far beyond it.

The president — and the president alone — let Ebola into America. He could have made one phone call (even on Saturday, when playing his 200th round of golf as president) and said one sentence to protect all Americans from the usually fatal disease: “No one from West Africa gets into the country.”

Done. That single sentence would have kept Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian who had carried an Ebola sufferer back into her home after she was turned away at a hospital, out of Dallas. While he lied on an airport questionnaire about whether he had had contact with anyone suffering the disease, and while hospital workers blundered badly even though they knew he has been in Liberia, the bottom line is Duncan would not have been in America had the president banned visitors from Ebola-stricken countries. Simple.

Many African countries have instituted such bans, and most Americans think such a ban would be a good idea, according to a recent survey. But Team Obama and his band of incompetent minions argue that shutting off flights from affected countries would “harm” the economy. Absurd.



  1. Obama didn't fail this country. The F*n ignorant liberals and RINO's who voted for that illegal Muslim Alien from Kenya failed this country.

    Especially the ones that voted for him in the second election.

    We also have to blame Congress for not doing their jobs and demanding voter ID laws. They failed us by not demanding investigations in the know states who were found to have more people voting than lived in the polling districts.

  2. ""The president — and the president alone — let Ebola into America. He could have made one phone call (even on Saturday, when playing his 200th round of golf as president) and said one sentence to protect all Americans from the usually fatal disease: “No one from West Africa gets into the country.”"

    This is it in a nutshell though I would like to add every single democrat is at fault as well for not leaning loudly and publically on Obama to do what the last sentence of this paragraph suggests.
    I have come to the unpleasant realization that democrats are evil people, cut from a different cloth than many of us. To the democrats it is perfectly alright if a few Americans die, so long as they don't offend a specific voter base.

  3. Just think how many "infidels" can be eliminated by this disease.

  4. All you liberal idiots who voted for Obozo can now watch famlies slowly die, enjoy Libtards

  5. this is a crisis far too good to waste...


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