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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Obama Administration Provides Money and Praise to US Mosques

In light of the recent ISIS-style beheading committed by Alton Nolen/Jah’Keem Yisrael, who had evidently been indoctrinated into the ways of Islam by his local Oklahoma City mosque, it would be good to see that our rulers are doing something about these terrorist incubators that are sprouting up like toxic weeds throughout the country, funded by Islamist supremacists in the Middle East… except that what they are doing is this: spending our money to provide extra security — not for us but for the mosques:

A recent announcement from the Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) / Masjid Al-Rahmah advised that it will be receiving a grant from theNonprofit Security Grant Program administered through the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA):

ISB will be receiving $74,675.00 which will go towards upgrading, enhancing and adding to our security infrastructure. Over the next several months you will see contractors on-site conducting these security enhancements.

The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) is nationwide and overseen by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Part of DHS’s Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), it has been in effect since 2005. To be eligible the organization must be, “determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security to be at high risk of terrorist attack due to their ideology, beliefs, or mission.” For fiscal year 2014, $13,000,000 was set aside for NSGP. The maximum amount that can be awarded to a single group is $75,000.

Is that all? I guess we infidel taxpayers can count ourselves as lucky.



  1. I'm not sure why it's the Federal government's place to spend money like this.

  2. It is as if he is goading us.

    Rubbing our noses in it.

  3. In essence, we are funding our own demise.


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