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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Now ISIS boasts about invading the Vatican: Propaganda magazine says terrorists will 'conquer' Rome and 'break your crosses'

Islamic State jihadis today issued a clear threat to the heart of Christianity, as they published an image of their black flag flying above the Vatican.

In a picture on the cover of their official magazine showing a mock-up of Caliphate-controlled Rome, the militants’ flag is superimposed on the obelisk in St Peter’s Square.

It is the front cover of the fourth edition of the ISIS online propaganda magazine Dabiq, which calls in its latest issue for a war against the Catholic Church.



  1. Italy's fight, not ours.

  2. Maybe they will give back all that stolen loot that is jam packed in the Vatican.

  3. Good thing Vatican is in Italy and not France. France would have surrendered already.

  4. ISIS doing good imagine that.

  5. Good luck with that isis. The Vatican has more fire power than most folks know AND they're not afraid to use it!

  6. They'll probably infiltrate the priesthood to get inside just like they've done in our military. What they're doing now is a mass shooting here and there but not boasting about it. By doing so they get away with an attack but the individual is only charged with workplace violence or just murder. In addition, their member is then allowed to enter our jails where they can continue to recruit. HOW BLIND CAN OUR LEADERS BE or are tthey a party to the assault?!!"


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