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Thursday, October 09, 2014

Michelle Blames 'This Country' For Female Vet's Unemployment

Michelle Obama says that America is responsible for a female veteran’s unemployment.

She’s been given the cover in the Oct. 14 issue of Redbook to tout the administration’s claimed support for women veterans, just three weeks before the Nov. 4 election.

She returned the favor by blaming Americans for their shared economic difficulties.



  1. Twit. You have no idea of what it is to be in the military, what military training qualifies one for, or what it means to be unemployed, all necessary to make comments like those.

  2. At least she is not blaming Bush...

  3. She needs to look to her husband if she wants to see who's to blame.....

  4. Worst FLOTUS ever.

  5. She blames Americans. That's because she doesn't consider herself one. She is a low rent slimeball

  6. Wow this country need GOD because these comments r just a bit much.....oh yeah this is where u blow off all your steam from your horrible jobs, life and family....carry on ...

  7. How about enforcing veteran preference laws

  8. Real men don't send their women to fight in wars.

    This Nation once consisted of real men.

    Who sends their women to fight in wars?


    And People who know they have no real enemies, and therefore, refuse to fight or to finance the fighting. Good luck collecting that national debt from our children. They are so lazy you will never get a penny.

  9. hey Moooooochle. Why don't you add her to your staff! whats one more.

  10. Again, this is a waste of good journalism space and of the time I took to read it.. I would prefer to not read or hear anything from this idiot.


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