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Monday, October 20, 2014

McDermott Commercial


  1. Honestly, he is one of the hardest working Delegates in the entire State House. What other representative do you know of that comes home from Annapolis on a Friday night and then issues a detailed report to his constituents on what transpired during the workweek. Mike McDermott has done this consistently during his tenure.

    I hardly know the guy - but I can tell you this. Having read every single House & Senate Bill synopsis for each of the past 6 legislative sessions - (over 2700 Bills each session) - Mike McDermott is a standout. The eastern shore ought to be proud to have him.

  2. Unlike Beezer I don't know Del McDermott at all.
    But like Beezer I agree that he IS the hardest working legislator in all of Annapolis. Because of Del McDermott's commitment we NOW know in detail what goes on "behind our backs" and that's exactly whet the role should be and needs to be with those we elect.
    Unlike Beezer a lot of us don't have the time to read, or even the understanding of what the bills really mean, but Del McDermmott's reports help to put everything in clear, easy to understand terms.

  3. I do not recall ever seeing any of our elected representatives out Annapolis telling us much about anything before Mike McDermmott. And for this he is to be commended. As for Beazer, thank you for providing us details of all of the legislation that has come out of Annapolis for all of the past years.


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