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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Maryland Toll Revenues Surge

Toll revenues have increased close to 75% in the past 4 years, according to data released by the Maryland Transportation Authority.

The Maryland Transportation Authority reported $276.6 million in toll revenues from in fiscal year 2009 from seven facilities and $308.5million in FY2010. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 after toll increases were in place, revenue from the same facilities had increased to $411.5. Budget forecasts predicted these facilities would produce $540.3million in FY2014, a 75% increase since 2010.

MDTA estimates that recent toll increases have reduced the number of transaction (ie toll road use) by 6.2%. The higher rates more than made up for the lost revenues.


  1. just another libtard tax.

  2. BUT the value of $ has decreased by 50% in the same period, making it a net LOSS in real value of about 10%. Big deal....

  3. A tax by another name (toll) is still a tax. They have increased substantially under the O'Malley/Brown administration.

  4. 9:23 Only because less people can afford to travel, or take alternate routes to avoid such tolls. IF the increases didn't happen, those yellow bars would be down in the $400 million range. But, instead of REDUCING waste spending in other areas, to counter act that loss, they RAISE tolls and s%$t on the people.

    Why am I trying, I can tell who you are.


  5. Dear MD residents and taxpayers:

    Screw you!


    OweMalley, OweBrown, OweConway, OweMathias, OwePollitt


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