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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Maryland Firefighters endorse Larry Hogan for Maryland Governor


  1. Heck, I don't even live in MD anymore and I want to vote at least twice for Hogan.

  2. Thank God! Somebody has some sense!

  3. It's about time the firefighters did something right.

  4. Backing Hogan is just one of many things firemen do right. You people are just too brainwashed by some that hate firemen to see the light. Sad

  5. My god! Talk a a group that loves themselves! We respond to the poor and rich, 24 -7 yeah yeah we all get that. That is the job you signed up to do. No one is making you do it. Stop with the look at me I'm special !

  6. Anonymous said...
    Backing Hogan is just one of many things firemen do right. You people are just too brainwashed by some that hate firemen to see the light. Sad

    October 11, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    No what is sad is your hatred of volunteer firemen and your love for the lazy fat far cheef rick hoppes of the beloved $14,000,000 far station currently sinking in the ghetto bog where it was built.

    No one hates firemen, but many despise the paid firemen in Salisbury that get on here and run their mouths about the citizens that help pay their salaries.

  7. 10:04 PM as a child, I looked up to police officers and firefighters, you men and women were bigger than life and that's what most kids wanted to be. Over the course of my 56 years something has occurred for both professions to lose your respect from the citizenry. So look deep within yourselves and others within the profession and try and find what the profession has done to maintain that respect.

  8. 6:01 I agree, both think they are above the law, arrogant and rude. They need to learn people skills, practice professionalism and remember they serve the public, not themselves.


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