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Friday, October 24, 2014

Maryland Democrats Double Down On Race Card, Now Using Ferguson

The Maryland Democratic Party has been acting like a party in panic mode. This week it sent out a race-baiting mailer to African-Americans around the state urging them to vote for Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown because he is black, and saying that not doing so would be akin to a return to the segregated South. His opponent, businessman Larry Hogan, has internal polling that pulls that theoretical panic into reality, and the Democratic Party is doubling down on the race vote.

Hogan’s campaign released internal polling showing this to be a one-point race, a major shock in a state where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans two to one. According to WBAL Radio, the poll “showed Brown leading Hogan by just 1 percentage point, with Hogan leading among moderates and independents.”


1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that some of the more uninformed will listen but, by and large, most educated people realize that a vote for a Democrat, any Democrat, is a nod of approval for the present WH administration.


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