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Friday, October 24, 2014

Living In Ocean City Is Like Having Your Own Zoo

The difference, we don't have to pay out millions to enjoy what God has given us and the animals aren't caged. 


  1. Are you an environmentalist Joe? Good for you.

  2. I moved to OC from DC for my retirement. Wildlife in DC was pretty much limited to rats, mice, and an occasional free-range pit bull.
    Zoo? Since I've been here (3 years), I've had 'visits' from deer, fox, otter, raccoons, possum, and a few other species.
    I even bought a bird book - something I never in my entire life thought I would ever do - to distinguish the many fowl that inhabit this area.
    Loud cars; loud motorcycles; boisterous graduates for five months a year? No problem. The other seven months in my Eden more than makes up for it!

  3. True.Maryland is a great state to live in.


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