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Monday, October 20, 2014


“Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.” Unknown
Kim Jung Un
Kim Jung Un had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a
four-star general.
This snot-nosed twerp had never
accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership.
He hadn't even so much as led a Boy Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon.
So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea .
Oh crap! Never mind
I'm sorry.
I just remembered that we did the same thing.
We took an arrogant community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, and made him Commander-in-Chief.
A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States
I'm sorry I brought this up.
Never mind.


  1. Obama is black, you have no right to disagree.

  2. Love it, too true.

  3. And still enough dumbasses left to elect him a 3rd time if it was possible.

  4. "We" didn't do anything.

    Our Masters chose Barry and we now must deal with their agenda.

    Barry has done a fabulous job serving his bosses (our Masters).

    He has read every script written for him and he has signed every piece of legislation written for the Congress.

    Everything is going exactly as planned.

  5. At least the norks have the excuse of public ignorance, not to mention the fact that they have no say in the matter. The irony is that we are supposed to be an educated society, but we willfully elected this idiot twice!

  6. At the risk of offending some Liberal Democrat and being called a Birther---How could someone who came from no where rise to the level of President? In the old days with Obama's record he could not have been hired as a GS 7, let alone Commander in Chief. He has no history. How could he transfer into Columbia with a B/C grade average from Occidental College? Note: Columbia took 2 transfers last year probably fewer in Obama's year. How does he get a degree from Columbia when no one in the class can remember him ever attending class? Note: George Stephanopoulos pointed this out on national television yet goes no further--effectively refusing to do his job. The press will not do its job. I had no idea there were that many Communists in mainstream American society. I actually thought that was a doctrine of the past.
    Where is Obama's Law License--no wonder Obama says--no judgeship in his future--. Where are his draft registration records, college transcripts, real birth certificate (oh yea, I forgot he gave us one), chicks that he dated, the Pakistani that he lived with in College, the Chicago gays that he hung with in Chicago before national politics, passport records---Why did he travel to Pakistan? There are hundreds of items.
    Fraud by definition is the misrepresentation of a material fact for in most cases "monetary" gain. The lies started before he was nominated. Why didn't Hillary do something about it when she was running against him? What does he have on the Clintons? Mrs. Clinton knew most of this when she was running against him. The democrat party must be made to answer for all of this. Impeachment? Why bother. Obama should be in jail not just out of office. This doesn't even touch the countless scandals such as Bengazzi or the IRS. The worst part is this post is not a unique set of thoughts. How will we make 2 more years of this? Bet he doesn't leave office peacefully in 2 years.


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