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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jonathan Taylor Is A Common Thief

Last month we did an article about how Blogger Jonathan Taylor was flat out stealing articles from other news agencies and acting as if he had written them. Once the local media found out he was doing so they threatened to sue him and WGMD for copyright infringement and he immediately started pulling all of their articles.

For months now, one of our contributors had noticed Jonathan Taylor was actually stealing articles from Salisbury News. It may have been as simple as press releases but this contributor was changing the images from these releases and they just knew he was stealing them.

At that point I told them to start putting in a CODE in white, something JT wouldn't see. Low and behold, they caught him copying and stealing our information and images today. Heck, he was even so lazy that when he copied our information he didn't even change the file name. 

You know, we work our rear ends off each and every day and we will not accept some fat lazy ass blogger stealing our hard work. I have the images saved and documented and tomorrow we will discuss this further with my attorney. 

I have no problem with other bloggers out there disseminating whatever information they so choose and I've said that for many years. However, STEALING and getting CAUGHT time and time again, this has to end. Either get off your ass and do your own thing or I/We will shut you down.  

Here's one example...
If you notice in the black boxes to the right of 2014 there is a slight smear. That was put there by me.You will also notice another dot/smear to the right of the name Lee in the black box.  Also put there by me. 

Jonathan Taylor, get a lawyer, you've been blogged. 


  1. Holy Schmitt this fool is also posting on sunday his top comments for the week also hmmmmmmm wonder joe where he thought of this what a lazy Bastard.

  2. Ain't that something! Years of bad-mouthing Albero...and his family...with all that hate and vitriol and outright lies, and you're nothing but a common thief. Stealing from the same guy you vilified on a regular basis.

    Hmmm, obviously trying to move up the ranks in the democratic party.

  3. Look who his friends are. Birds of a feather. Joe if you like something he hates it. If you do something he will soon following doing the same thing. He doesn't have a creative bone in his gelatinous body.

  4. He does represent what one would expect from a flaming democrat. You can't love Ireton and Mathies and say you are conservative.

  5. Just remember he will endorse anyone that will continue with the free hand outs. You don't think he would endorse anyone that will reduce his food budget.

  6. Jt calls himself a Conservative lol what a flip flopping democRAT Fool.

  7. Love the picture is that is subsidized apt???

  8. Isn't that the same Blubber Blogger that endorsed that wanna lying politician Josh Hastings?

  9. You don't possibly think fatso could chase the news himself do you?

  10. None of the images were yours to steal from dipshit. See you in court.

  11. 8:53, JT, We never said they were our images. What we have PROVEN is that YOU come to this Website from an RSS feed and take our stories, copy them, paste them and then tell people YOU work so hard.

    No JT, you sit back and watch US put it all together and steal it.

    YOU and WGMD will be liable for doing just that and we have numerous articles of proof you've been doing so.

    Now tens of thousands of people know you are a thief and we have proven it.

    Enjoy your buddy Laura Mitchell's Post in two minutes.


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