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Thursday, October 16, 2014

John Cannon Owned The Stage Last Night In Council Forum

Give credit where credit is due. When John Cannon was asked a question the man not only answered it, he did so with total knowledge, homework, experience and no excuses. 

Laura Mitchell was the champion of stating she prides herself of telling people when she doesn't have the answer, she'll get back to you on that. That was not the case with John Cannot OR Matt Holloway, for that matter. 

As we all know, I have what I believe to be the KNOCK OUT PUNCH for Laura Mitchell two weeks before the election. Let me just say this, (until that time arrives). Matt Holloway and John Cannon do not live off of government subsidies. They are hard working AMERICANS who take pride in working and serving the public every day.

You will not see either gentleman in line at the grocery store using an EBT Card, unlike Mitchell. Quite frankly I'm tired of seeing LIBERALS fully capable of working jobs like Mitchell and JT sucking at the taxpayer teat and laughing right in your face about it. 

Vote for John Cannon and Matt Holloway and send Laura Mitchell packing. Unless you are into watching someone sit at home while YOU pay their bills.


  1. Cannon yes
    Mitchell No.

  2. I can go with 4:34's comment but I also think all walks of life need to be represented in government.
    Why are you only picking on Mitchell and not Shields - who is also on the dole?
    I give no apology for believing that they can also contribute and represent those who are not wealthy and were not born into money. All should be represented and bring a different knowledge of life to the table.
    The wealthy can not represent the lower and middle class since they have no experience in the struggles that each of us face.

    1. Shields is also a disgrace but she is not running for county council.

  3. 5:13
    Sheilds is not currently running for a position. Sorry I want someone in office that has achieved something in their lifetime. Do you really want someone representing YOU that can't even handle their own affairs? Would you give your money to a drug dealer if they promised a good return or a banker who promised the same? Vote for someone that has shown you they are a responsible person with what they have done in their OWN life.....then maybe they will do the same when using your tax dollars.

  4. Cannon,Dodd, Matt Holloway and Culver, all have my vote.

  5. Joe

    Please take your shot at Mitchell now, before the early voting starts.

  6. mitchell had her car pulled up in the handicap parking @ the salvation army last week chocked full of campaign signs and a sticker on the bumper saying ebt eligible


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