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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Is Obama really that toxic now? Prominent Dem candidate repeatedly refuses to admit she voted for president

A Democrat running for the Senate in Kentucky is so worried about the negative effect being associated with President Barack Obama could have on her campaign, she wouldn't even admit to voting for him on Thursday when asked by a newspaper about her past support for her party's leader.

Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes refused to reveal her vote in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections to the Louisville Courier-Journal editorial board during an endorsement interview yesterday, claiming 'this election isn't about the president.'

Pressed to give a simple yes or no answer, Grimes, who has been open about her support for Obama in the past, began talking about how she backed Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primary and tied herself to former president Bill Clinton's policies.



  1. From the time of MLK we have made turns in the direction of the black communities and their culture. It has been a slow process , however , some of this was caused by their own decisions.
    We even voted for the president of the United States , the most powerful position in the world, at the time. A black for president , who would have thought.
    Well it happened , now you know the rest of the story , he has screwed it up so bad it can't be fixed.
    Now we just don't know what to do.
    If we get a senate majority of right wings we will be blamed for trying fix humpty dumpty , it can't be fixed without civil war.

  2. Another thing I might add , I've mentioned civil war many times on this blog , just don't know how many were published. However , the MSM will never speak of it for fear from the political people.
    Get it through your heads people , it's over , absolutely no fix . Obama has done his work , with your permission.

  3. The rats are fleeing a sinking ship.

  4. I wouldn't admit it if I voted for him. That's like admitting you help destroy the Nation and most of the world.

  5. Is Obama toxic ? , of course he is , he is second in command in the universe. He is satan .A wolf in sheep clothes .


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