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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hogan campaign calls for Attorney General to set up hotline for voters experiencing “vote switching”

ANNAPOLIS, MD – October 29 – After ongoing reports of “vote switching” throughout the state, the Hogan campaign has now called upon the Attorney General to set up a hotline so that all voters who have experienced the problem can quickly, easily, and officially report their complaints.

Dozens of voters across the state have complained to election judges and the Hogan campaign that their vote for a Republican was automatically switched to the Democrat. Over the last two days alone, the Hogan campaign has received reports of such “vote switching” from voters in the following counties: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Caroline, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Washington, and Worcester.

On October 27, following initial reports of voting machines flipping votes, the Hogan for Governor campaign called for the State Board of Elections to set up a voter hotline for voters to call if they experienced an issue with their voting machine, but as of this morning, no hotline has been established.

“The Board of Elections has not heeded our call to set up a hotline, so we’re going to the Attorney General now, in the hopes that he—as chief lawyer of the state—will take the appropriate action and put the interests of all voters first and foremost,” said Hogan spokeswoman Erin Montgomery.

Some election officials have said the vote-flipping is a result of a "calibration issue” with the machines, while the State Board of Elections, in an Oct. 27 press release, blamed the issue on “voter error,” particularly the following scenarios: “Voters with large fingers or long nails or voters who hold the touchscreen with their palm resting on the screen seem to report this issue more frequently.”

Hogan spokeswoman Erin Montgomery responded, “These are not isolated incidents of fat fingers or long fingernails. The Board of Elections cannot seriously suggest that all cases are the result of voter error when well over half of Maryland’s counties are reporting problems and an unknown number of machines have been taken out of service. Whether it’s voter error or machine error is a moot point. If votes aren’t cast the way they were intended to be cast, then the democratic process in our state is in deep trouble.”


  1. The voting process, across the country not just in MD, needs to be fundamentally changed. America has become so 'electronic' as to forget to understand that a computer is only as effective as the software it's running AND that SW is hackable/changeable by skilled computer gurus who care only about the money they're payed. A case in point is the flashlight app for your cell phone. It's been shown to be nothing more then a personal information stealing program. The list goes on and on.
    Americans, young and old, need to open their eyes to what is really going on. They need to research our 'true' history, at least from WWII forward, because what we've all been taught is a fairy tale designed to support an agenda to destroy our democratic republic.

  2. I think we are seeing a high crime being committed and I think that charges up to treason are not out of line.

  3. Forgive me for bringing this up, but are the Board of Elections people state employees? As in.. union?

    Could there be some connection here? Some incentive to put a wrench to it?

    You have to wonder about their cavalier attitude about fat fingers and long nails when it's happening so frequently and so consistently in favor of the democrats.

  4. Lol Ask tbe race baiter holder to look into this ? Now thats funny since he is corrupt and obamas boy.


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